Top 10 - (before first temples)


Through my very extensive spy network that has successfully infiltrated every alliance in the top 9, Ouroboros 2 being the only one we do not have insider information from, we have compiled enough info to make a pretty solid guess on the future of a few alliances. With temples coming out in under 3 days, (unclefart when are you coming out?), it's about time we get some drama rippin.

#1 - I Kissed a Girl
We all know that the best alliance isn't in the top 10 at this time, but if we push them aside for this then we got the "Girl Kissers" right up front leading the pack in both points and battle points. Obviously this team is cut from some of the finest cloth and appears to be the game leader for the foreseeable future...... But they do have some things that aren't in their favor. First of all this team has Milisav..... For anyone that doesn't know him, he is always offline and only logs in to queue buildings and dodge attacks from quests.
Something that I didn't notice very quickly was that this alliance isn't limiting itself at 35 players, They have a sister alliance that is also in the top 10, but I have No Idea who it might be.... Even heard they had another one in the top 20, but I might get canceled if I post their Bad Name here.

#2 - Nicho's Nug Squad
The victors of the last cq Olympus world, 153, with the exact same settings have decided to give it another try. With Adam's Rasputin Squad as their second alliance, they have a strong core around the O46 Portal, but a lot of their other temples are being contested by different alliances. They got some of the strongest golders on their team, as demonstrated by last event, and their proven endgame knowledge will give them an edge.
From everything I have heard, this team might be the favorite to win the world. However, to win you have to be able to focus, and it's awfully hard to focus when you got Unclefart posting mirror selfies in the discord. Hopefully they can restrain themselves and show us da wey.

#3 - OG's
This alliance looks pretty solid on paper. They have a feeder alliance with a few notable names, but overall the focus is on the main alliance here. They got some very stable players that are solid on revolt, dunno if they got what it takes to win on cq. They do have a player that is willing to spend more money than anyone else on this world to be the top dog. He had a late start, but has quickly climbed to the top ranks. Itsbeenawhile will certainly take rank 1 attacker and abuse his wealth to make up for his average skills. Sorry Ibaw, but I can't favor your team after how you played it out on 139, but I hope you do better here!

#4 - Undisciplined
This team was rank 1 not long ago. Appears that many people have reasons to doubt them. According to almost everyone that shared info on this alliance, they are bound to sink fast..... I take a different stance. This alliance is not alone and they have 2 very powerful partner alliances. If they merged the top 35 from their allies they would be rank 1 again. Their biggest weakness has to be IvD.... Guy is like a skipping rock, you gotta keep catching him and throwing again or he will sink any ship. Heard he also got a life, which really sucks. <3

#5 - Bushwacker
Although this team has very few players with a single win under their belt, they are hopeful that their Triremes can carry them through. I suppose the amount of available temples left these guys with the low tier ones. This can be a benefit as they will be holding a less valuable trophy and thus might ward off some aggressors. Fun fact, They have TheDonald, and everyone who is anyone knows that that means something to someone.

#6 - Pay to Win
Could be renamed to Ouroboros..... Kinda just a meme team of a bunch of pent up nerds playing grep on their raspberry pis. They got PG which means they will do good for a little bit till his ego catches up to him. Also BTJ really likes his sleep. Thats good too, cause grep is just a game and sleep is good...... But 15 hours of sleep is a little bit TOO good. Although this team is just a meme of nerds, it's worth noting that they do have the 2nd highest IQ player on their team. IYKYK

#7 - No Idea
If you guys didn't catch it earlier, this is "Girl Kissers 2".

#8 - Bad Name
AKA "Girl Kissers 3"

#9 - Oceans Veterans
Old team here that historically get's top 3 by the end of the world. They dropped late and are again relying on pure numbers to set themselves up. They have a group of alliances they are working with to keep themselves lower on the radar for a while. If they are as strong as they once were, they excel at the strategy part of the game and rely on gold much less than their competitors. I have some faith in this team to climb the rankings, but I also wouldn't be surprised if they just moved on to a new world when they realize the competition here is real.

#10 - Ouroboros 2
Being so based, this team has decided to start at 2 instead of 1. The problem with getting ahead is that everyone keeps starting at 0 or 1. This team lead by Scruffy has been on the rise lately as they continue to pact with anyone willing. They would be rank 1 if you add all their allies points to theirs. I'm pretty surprised that this team has stayed in the top 10, but now they have proven themselves worthy of something.

Shout out to plates!

Tommy Shelby

Let's be real here. Ourosboros is going to win this world with ease

btw btj might sleep a lot, but he is also an excellent cook. make sure to ask some pics of the dishes he makes.
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OK, no takers so I'll make a quick prediction

  1. IKAG/Bad Name/No Idea
  2. Bushwhackers/Undisciplined
  3. OV
  4. Catalyst/Pay to Win
Give it another month and OV will be competing with Bushwhackers for rank 1.
Kinda hard to judge IKAG because their players bounce around so much, but I do think they are growing slower than BW and OV. But i can't be certain.
Yall slept on OV and now they have arrived in the top 3. :D


Give it another month and OV will be competing with Bushwhackers for rank 1.
Kinda hard to judge IKAG because their players bounce around so much, but I do think they are growing slower than BW and OV. But i can't be certain.
Yall slept on OV and now they have arrived in the top 3. :D
All true but there is a lot of movement going on in certain alliances.

IKAG, BN and NI players jumping back and forth to max temple boosts so definitely high activity there.
Bushwhackers/Undisciplined look to be sorting the good from the dead weight
COCK/P2W/Nicho/Merc look all over the place, possible internal issues given the high numbers in VM and ghosting
OV appear as you suggest to be the quiet achievers for now

Interesting days ahead


My predictions may have to be altered given the events of yesterday and today. COCK/Nicho/Masterchief or whatever they eventually decide to call themselves got schooled yesterday and looks as though the same thing is happening to Bush/Und today.

Active COCK/Nicho/Masterchief players can't be happy with the poor effort of defending their temple yesterday and the smaller non 'core' Bush/Und players can't be happy about the effort to break Snakez siege yet never receiving any help themselves when needed. I feel some internal heat within both camps.


My predictions may have to be altered given the events of yesterday and today. COCK/Nicho/Masterchief or whatever they eventually decide to call themselves got schooled yesterday and looks as though the same thing is happening to Bush/Und today.

Active COCK/Nicho/Masterchief players can't be happy with the poor effort of defending their temple yesterday and the smaller non 'core' Bush/Und players can't be happy about the effort to break Snakez siege yet never receiving any help themselves when needed. I feel some internal heat within both camps.
were playing domination with these guys COCK/Nicho/Masterchief


OV got 8 available slots, if some of these big guys caught up in the drama are looking for a home. You'll probably have to relocate a bit, but it's worth it for a solid team like OV.


The sad thing is, the same thing could be said about COCKS, P2W, Nichos and nearly every other alliance in this world. OV v IKAG would be interesting. One of the reasons i hate Olympus, most alliances and players only use 5% of the available game tools. It's only mass hugging with founding, building up cities and perfect timing into Olympus that anyone can do now with sirens.

But yeah, bushbabies are definitely 'brown material'!


I have a new name for the mass huggers..."Nichos COCK whackers". Love to hear thoughts on that new relationship. Talk about sell outs and taking what appears to be the easy way out. There must be some pretty unhappy people amongst that mass orgy. You have to feel sorry for the little guys that have been there from the beginning that are literally being used to take up space and will be spat out when the time comes.