NoobMeUp, Portrait of Lato's Most Hated


If I wouldn't know you from Idalium I would say that he is feeding you BP but he hates you way too much to do this.


Ill just post here... So ALL here... Know... You ALL are mad over Whitey/Eric being a lying sack of crap. He tried changing the password? WRONG! Hes been trying to? WRONG. You all are sheep lead by a not a loin... But a black sheep. There will be a point when he will stop editing tickets and sharing them... Until this point i will post this and leave Grep forever. But know... Those that have the common cause of "Hating me", you should now realize how fickle you and your personalities really are. Joining under ONE cause "Hate" is the worst thing you can possibly do. In a game or not... You are now united by a liar.



Ill just post here... So ALL here... Know... You ALL are mad over Whitey/Eric being a lying sack of crap. He tried changing the password? WRONG! Hes been trying to? WRONG. You all are sheep lead by a not a loin... But a black sheep. There will be a point when he will stop editing tickets and sharing them... Until this point i will post this and leave Grep forever. But know... Those that have the common cause of "Hating me", you should now realize how fickle you and your personalities really are. Joining under ONE cause "Hate" is the worst thing you can possibly do. In a game or not... You are now united by a liar.

So I never knew you before, apparently you were always a jerk but I don't judge on that

Even if he was lying about that, it doesn't give you the right to just ghost the account and throw away all the gold he spent on it
People don't hate you because support isn't doing anything, people hate you because of what you did, and wether Shir0e actually tried to transfer the acc or not, it doesn't make what you did justified

Stop trying to play the victim card, all you're doing is giving more people reason to despise you
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You guys are all a bunch of gullible scrubs.

Today, at around 22:34 Lato Server time, a crime has been committed. A crime against a fellow Grepolis Player. A crime that a man did to a fellow player, a friend and a comrade.

Noobmeup ghosted the account of HeadHunter in Lato. The man known as "Shir0e" told us the news and the whole Community is shocked and in rage at such an action. For he has trusted Noobmeup about this, for he has committed injustice, betrayal and showed this whole community what kind of man he is. Most, or many, of us already know the man named Noobmeup but he is going to all new lows now.

Playing as NoobMeUp in his own alliance, betraying the last friends that he has, betraying the community and the people as a whole such a thing will NOT be forgotten by any of us.

If you wish to help out Shir0e, if he decides to still come back then please hop into the lato world chat, now renamed Rim NoobMeUp, then please show your solidarity with Shir0e.

Thank you very much and have a good day.

Have you ever played with Shir0e before? Do you guys even know who he is? If you do then you know that this is the point in the server that he starts whining that he wants to quit. His best friend in the game had just quit the day before this. Can you name one server that he has gone beyond this point on?

HOW in holy hell did he allow NoobMeUp to have his password? If we can all agree on one thing, it is that NoobMeUp is a jerk. It is why his own alliance was going to rim him. This plan was lead by Shir0e. I think if I had plans on steeling a guy's alliance and rimming him and he knew my password, I would probably change it. I've changed passwords before. It's actually not that hard.

There are rules in place for a reason. If two people are playing an account it is a banable offense. By admitting that someone else had his password, he is admitting to a banable offense.

Now you guys want Grepolis to care about this and give Shir0e back his account because he spent so much money here. Every other time gold users are brought up you bash them for getting special treatment. Grepolis is telling Shir0e that he broke their rules, and they aren't going to give him special treatment just because he is a heavy gold user, and you guys are mad about that? Sheeple. They could ban him for admitting he was cheating, but they didn't. That's actually pretty gracious of them to allow him to come back at all.

Shir0e also threw out a staggering figure of how much money he has spent on the game, but did you know that he has received refunds? Right. He's not telling you that either.

In conclusion. NoobMeUp is a pile of crap. Shir0e is a pile of crap. You guys are dumb.
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If I would not have known you I would have given you the benefit of doubt but half of the people here know how you really are and the other half just learned it. You lost some good friends in the last world and now you lost some even more better friends.
There is Noobmeup Reality that says "Lato has been waiting for me, I am the best thing that has happened to grepolis" etc. That is Jeremy Reality which has nothing to do with our Reality, but you choose to live in your own Reality. And then there is Noobmeup and Noobmeup only cares about... Noobmeup.

You did ghost his account and you did it FULLY AWARE OF YOUR ACTIONS. This was a malicious action that betrayed a person that believed in you and cared about you! And this is why the rest of us are so disgusted of you because we know you and NONE of us can give you the reason of doubt that you are the victim here and that he is the bad guy. A man has only his reputation and name and because of your past actions we all know what kind of man you are.

This has nothing to do with hate, we do not hate you, we just feel contempt and sorry for you and wish to have nothing to do with you.

It is not YOU that quit the grepolis community it is the Grepolis Cummnity that is turning their back towards you.
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So I never knew you before, apparently you were always a jerk but I don't judge on that

Even if he was lying about that, it doesn't give you the right to just ghost the account and throw away all the gold he spent on it
People don't hate you because support isn't doing anything, people hate you because of what you did, and wether Shir0e actually tried to transfer the acc or not, it doesn't make what you did justified

Stop trying to play the victim card, all you're doing is giving more people reason to despise you
NEVER have i played the victim card here. Guess what? ITS MY ACCOUNT!!!! DUH!!!!!!!!! However I dont recall asking what anyone here thinks so it doesn't matter.

One... its MY account. Two... those that still believe I ghosted it... are wrong. Three... This is either getting funny or ridiculous.


1. If account was handed off he should have changed password/done it right. (which it was handed off yet he didn't full feel his end).

2. He has been arguing with Inno this entire to to get his money back (as they weren't letting him get gold after payment).

3. Guess what? He got ALL moneys back after the account was ghosted (i can show screen shots if need be).


He lost nothing and ALL money was repaid to him after the account was ghosted. Weird how a player that has NEVER played in a world more than 6 months (he always ghosts or hands off) yet all of a sudden "Was going to play till the end" and BOOM account gets ghosted. And its blamed on me... Funny... Gets all that money back and account ghosts... You all are lost and stupid.

The ghosting was blamed on me. This was his way out. So see this how you'd like... But you blaming someone that actually has nothing to do with this, it's either funny or sad that you are listening to someone with his lying track record. deuces Grep. Ill come back when theres more honor in this game... but seems that will never be the case.

Also Joe.... Hope you and Valk got on the Slim-fast diet.


Oh and please do post any screen shot of me getting a refund, that info doesn't go to you it goes to my email bud. Are you seriously trying to deny that you ghosted my account. You literally sent me 7 PMs on skype conveniently at the same time i come back to find the account gone. Can post that too. Jeremy you got nothing here man, no one believes you cuz all you do is lie.


For the record since inno has not taken action to work with me i have reached out to several people on Jeremys facebook. Explained the situation ( as childish as it is ) and gotten an address for him. Jeremy will be paying for his mistake. He spends plenty of time in court ( so he says ) but a little more time wont hurt him too much.

Wow LIES. weird... Only way you can look at my friends.... is if you are a mutual friend... Yet you nor none of your friends are mine... Who's lying now? Also... I got Inno backing me... (Terms and agreements bud) as you failed to do the transfer properly. So again... Stop talking and go cry in a corner about how "He ghosted your account" when it wasn't even him.


no one believes you man you made the mistake and you will pay.
Edit: your FB was posted in WC before you unfriended pete.


so the only people you/he saw were.... steve, Dash and George lmao good luck


Bottom line jeremy no one believes you, you are the most self centered piece of trash ive ever met on this game, whats sad is that we liked you anyway. Then you come back and did this to me? Tell us what were the PMs you sent and deleted when you ghosted the account.

I got nothing more to say to you, your a liar, self centered and you treat friends like this. Take care jeremy will see you soon.


What did you pm then delete on skype to me @ the same time my account was ghosted?

Screen shot of my refund ? Curious i am since google play has a 3 day policy.


oh great mik is here, bet the thread gets locked up by midnight.


I'm not touching this other than to say I doubt a guy who thinks "full feel" is an actual word could have written the Slinger post.