Winners don't do different things. They do things differently.

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A welcome surprise to the players in Ocean 34.

TW-Shadows is recruiting in the region. A great opportunity for all to join "the strongest alliance in grepolis". An opportunity not to be missed. "Worried about abandoning your friends?.. bring them with you"

If you think we are joking here is a mail sent to all the members of Panthera by a great player DarkChampions of a great alliance TW-Shadows.

DarkChampions today at 12:29 AM

Are you sick of playing in a mass recruitment alliance? Do you have what it takes to join the strongest alliance in grepolis?

TW-Shadow is looking for active players in ocean 34 that know the workings of the game. We are a group of people that enjoy playing war games such as grepolis and have developed skills and strategies that set us apart and keep us on top.

This is a WAR GAME, and your stats should reflect that. We are only looking for 5-7 players. Why so few?.. it is more fun to play with a tight group and lots of targets. Worried about abandoning your friends?.. bring them with you or make new ones. This is just a game, but it is more fun to play when you have close friends that can create strategies and work as a team.

If you are interested or concerned, please reply to this mail and we can get you an application and get you on your way to joining the war machine that is TW-Shadow.


Note :

1. All thats in quotes and the mail itself is copyright of DarkChampions and TW-Shadows. No content of it to be used by anyone without their consent.

2. Though this mail is sent to all the members of Panthera (87 in number), this is not to be considered as a mass mail. Mass mail for recruitment is used by "a mass recruitment alliance" and TW-Shadows is much above all this.

3. This attempt of recruiting is part of the "developed skills and strategies" required to "enjoy war games such as grepolis" which eventually keeps a good alliance like TW-Shadows at the top.

4. "This is a War GAME, and your stats should reflect that". That is what shows who is the best. Please ignore the rankings in Ocean 34 (the region of concern), the grepostats data of cities exchanged between TW-Shadows and the teeny weeny alliance of 87 members in the region and the growth in number of cities per alliance in Ocean 34 ... all these are of little consequence here.

5. TW-Shadows is not a mass recruiter and they are "looking for 5-7 players" only. Of course if friends of these 5-7 players like to join the party they are more than welcome.

6. Again we would like to clarify that TW-Shadows is a great alliance and have some good players like DarkChampions and should never be clubbed under the mass recruiting alliances. This is not just their style.

Winners don't do different things. They do things differently?
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Did I step too hard on your toes? Lol, I haven't been to the forums in a while but I heard I had to come check out someone crying..

Is recruiting 5-7 players bad?? I didn't say the friends would increase that number, but if those 5 people are friends and they join, then that would be it. Mailing a large number of players to actually have 5 of them join is far from what panthera/mibs have done.

Also, if you are trying to prove that your stats show better performance.. I will admit your alliance is very good at taking over inactive cites. When it comes to actual war or active players, they have proven to perform poorly. An entire alliance against me for several days, countless attacks, etc. I gained what, 60k~ defensive bp from it, I don't remember but I could recheck the stats. Of course I didn't lose any cities. When was the last time panthera took an active TW city? With nearly 3x as many cities in ocean 34 it seems like it would be happening frequently but I don't see that as the case.

Meh, I am not a regular on the forums and I probably won't be back. The mail seems to have done exactly what it was intended to do, so I thank you for your participation.



This is pointless. They are obviously sifting through everyone that mails them back. Sending mass mail doesn't make you MRA. Sending mass invites does make you MRA.

Nice attempt at making TW Shadow look bad though. I enjoyed reading this.


They did the same with us and got some players from it, its clearly been a good strategy in the past and they are using it again.

All's fair in war (except pretending to be someone else - but we don't mention that! :))


hmmmm thats pretty... lame

my opinion of TW-S street cred just dropped a little bit


mass mails of an inviting fashion don't equal mass invites?
and thus come from an MRA......?
really? c'mon now.
this was intended to gather as many players as possible (players of a certain standard sure, i'll give them that) and to weaken the enemy and strengthen TW simply by increasing their numbers.
plain and simple.
the definition of an MRA (mass recruit alliance).
what could be more mass recruit-y than saying "hey you 78 wanna join us? bring your friends too!!! PLEASE!!!!"


*Steps down from his mod seat*

Nah, there not MRA's for mass mailing to recruit.

There an MMA! (Mass Mailing Alliance) :)

*Steps back onto his mod seat*


i'm sure we could invent a few more acronyms to describe alliances that use this recruiting technique....
let's see what we can come up with shall we.....
how about -ALA (absurdly lazy alliance)
or -SFA (surprisingly feeble alliance)
or here's a good one -SSFA, (side splittingly foolish alliance)
everyone join in!!!


Well did it work

You can judge..

I received over a dozen mails from players wanting to leave PANTHERA and join TW-Shadow. Through looking at stats and talking with other actives in the area we chose 5. That was over a week ago and since we have allowed 2 more players to join us. Is it mass recruiting to invite 7 of the 15+ that wanted to join? People still want to join.. but we aren't accepting anymore for now in our ocean. PANTHERA has now merged with TG and all are but extinct. Did it work?...


i for one, am more criticizing any alliances that take part in mass invitations than TW itself. i have no problem with TW, have never talked to a TW player, never warred with a TW player etc....
i really don't think one comment on the forum can sum up an entire alliance and don't take much of this bickering back and forth in the forum to heart. it's all in good fun....
TW, you're #1 for a reason, congrats.
any alliance who does take part in the aforementioned activities tho.....*scoff scoff scoff*


Congrats it worked, you were able to pick what you wanted out of all the 15 who applied, this isnt MRA tactics. MRA.s send invites to one and all without screening members and they arent bothered about where or how they play the game.
Again congrats on the new members.


A new update... the alliance PANTHERA no longer exists. Perhaps the reason behind the mass mail was a little bit different than recruiting? What the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes! Sure we did get a few good members out of the deal, but the war was between TW-Shadow and PANTHERA. I suppose a new sig will be in order for the creator of this thread.


Poor Champs, how are you going to get excessive amounts of easy BP now?


Poor Champs, how are you going to get excessive amounts of easy BP now?

at least they didn't obtain all of their cities by just taking them from their own alliance mates
where's the challenge in that your eminent noobness?


This thread will also be locked if you two cant stop arguing.
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