Persian Empire


"Let the medes and Pars merge, and let them form Persia"-Cyrus the great.

One of the greates empires of the ancient world, Persia as called by the greek and Parsa as called by the Persians ruled most of the middle east and some of Europe and Asia minor for more than 10 decades. Today this once great empire shall be reborn in the heart of Delta, and now you can be a part of it and be a PERSIAN!

Our limit is 2000 points at the least.

"We are Parsa or Persia. The might of our armies is unforsakeable. Out of darkness we strike and in daylight we celebrate. 10.000 years of culture, strength and unity shall be reborn in this alliance. We shall crush all who oppose us. We are everywhere and nowhere. We can see what you cannot; feel what you can't; and kill what you can't. The greatest strategists, scientists, diplomats, artists, builders, people and culture in all of Europe and Asia. What you see is power."-The Persians of Delta, Grepolis

If you wish to join contact our leaders. We are young but we shall grow strong with your help. Give us time and faith and we shall help each of our memebrs in any way possible.

Take note: If you feel left out or forgoten even on the first day, you are reminded that you have all rights to leave his alliance and never return.

Warlord and Leader of the Science Institute of Persia



How do you expect to start a successful alliance at this stage in the game. I respect your efforts for trying, however i feel that with the size of the current alliances, and also the size of current players, starting a new alliance now is not the wisest move.
Also, just to be awkward, wasn't the persian empire beaten by one man and his army. Alexander of Macedon. Or Alexander the Great as most people know him.


yes but he is considered to be the greatest general of his time...and all the good persian emperors and generals like Darius and Cyrus who actually made Persia the power it was passed away, leaving incompetent leaders


Actually, I'm offended. In defence I can say that the remaining leaders after Darius and Cyrus were less intelligent than either of the great monarchs, which is natural. After Alex the gaylord attacked us and left us with more gaylord to follow we remained on a slow yet promising track which led to the Turks/Ottomans and the Monghols to attack us. After all the attacks, each dominating nation that came to Persia (after a while) declared themselves Persians .(as such a case in most huns, a couple of Ottomans and some macedonians)

Also Alex gathered quite a formidible army, formidible enough to rule a long strip from greece to the himilayas (where he died, thank god) So it isn't fair that we were the first to be taken under Alex's sword after the greeks and judged.

And like I mentioned, our size is small but we are growing by the day, just give us time!


You should have a war elephant as well. Unique warrior in your army.


War elephant?! What is this India?! They did that with Alex the gaylord (I confirmed his gaylordness today via wiki), brought elephants into battle I mean.


I'm doing a history project on Persia so I'm all pumped up lol:p


Who the heck are you and what are you doing on our forums.
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Sorry no I was talking about MAGICKILL, who had no right to come in and start basting random comments without checking his info.


Mailcarrier, everybody! *Applause*

Sorry no I was talking about MAGICKILL, who had no right to come in and start basting random comments without checking his info.

Once again, a display of true brain when needed. Thank you, Mailcarrier!:)


Dude you can tell when I'm sarcastic. It's easier to tell if I'm sarcastic than to tell if bianh is really an enemy! And I wasn't being sarcastic. I am known to have given large priases from time to time.


Actually, we're not. The fourth ranking alliance in O83 after IoA, kitten smashers and something else. Also we're on the fourth page of the world alliance.


oh yes, the alliance you just forgot to mention would be my alliance Ionian Legions, ranked second in o83. However in o83, you only have 15 cities...a fraction of your power. I would suggest you build a power base in o83 that is larger than 15 cites and recruit around that base...
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