The Kreger Report



Welcome everyone to the first of what will be a long lasting The Kreger Report.
In todays news we have a few subjects at hand, treachery vs. loyalty and the latest news on TBS leaving the game!

So first up, what is more valuable in a war game such as Grepolis? Would it be trechery, cunning and guile? or Loyalty, honor and integrity? To answer this question we look around the world at the greatest of this worlds alliances Carpe Jugulum and present evidence in place as fact - they achieved long lasting greateness not through treachery or deception, but through loyalty to their allies and a great amount of integrity. On the other side of the fence, what would you say if someone who you once called a friend sought out reasons for war and eventually unable to find a good one, just made a poor one? indeed, the games of innogames creation have shown that treachery has no reward! In Tribalwars in the earlier worlds many tried this approach, yet none succeeded, so why would anyone continue to try those approaches?? well they do say stupid has no limitations.. so for more information we sought out a few long time gamers here in this world for their viewpoint on treachery. Our first up is Gareth Thomas of The Black Sheep West.

"Gareth, tell me what makes for a good leader?"
Gareth: utilizing your girlfriend/fiancee to infiltrate the enemy and grow to the enemy leadership...that level of treachery is the best.
Kreger: really?? your fiancee?
Gareth: yup, we used her against PUU
Kreger: was it successful?
Gareth: indeed there was tremendous success!!
Kreger: do you spy on other alliances?
Gareth: We spy on everyone, best to know the future before it happens!

well there you have it... apparently some prefer the avenue of spies... maybe we all should check our own alliances to ensure the level of infiltration - lol

we now leave you for a brief ad from our sponsors...

Greetings friends, this episode of The Kreger Report has been brought to you by "Eryines Vegeance Brew", the latest, greatest taste of Vengeance in a bottle!! get yours today!!

Next up on the reports is the latest news reports coming from O27 where reports indicate that The Black Sheep West is about to go the way of the wind, and The Black Sheep themselves have been looking at leaving the game. The foundings of this is the latest intel of TBS deceleration on LOE!! With LOE allies sure to be looking at this closely, where does TBS hope to go? who would trust such a treacherous, deceptive, cunning and beguiling group as this? Who would ever trust their alliance to be neighbors with someone who would back stab so easily? remember less then a month ago, they called LOE friends and allies... less then a year ago they were members in our rank and file.... less then a week ago they spoke as though they were allied with the same group.. until now the treachery unfolds and the reality sinks in, this treachery and guile was in the plans for a long long time... and their teaming up with those opposing the southern Elite tribes is imminent and true... but again I ask, how long can anyone trust a rabid Dog? even if the Dog is your favorite? How long can you trust wolverine as a pet to not attack its master? you certainly can not fault them on is their nature afterall... but it is indeed a sad day in the world as TBS makes preparations to depart from this world, for indeed all their actions are actions of one making said preparations, for certainly no one will trust a rabid wolf with their flock!

Stay tuned next week for the next installment of "The Kreger Report" in that issue we will discuss such things as the ever changing name alliance and the ever sought after holy grail of Grepolis, not to mention the latest greatest news from around the globe!

since the start of this war just 9 hours ago, no less then 3 TBS/TBSW villages are under siege, and half of TBS left in outrage, shrinking TBS to half their former glory!!
Furthermore, TBS has continued to outrage people with their actions and arrogance as well as the petty actions of temper tantrums and conniption fits... highly becoming actions coming from an "elitist alliance".... too bad they forgot the respect and courtesy that go with being truely elite at the door...

well...until next time, this is Kreger saying "Good day to all!!"

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well written, I enjoyed that. I look forward to the next issue.


we look forward to smashing the back stabbers................


Writing from my hospital bed and guiding the 4th Legion to Victory once again while I help teach some newly found blood what loyalty and winning is all about, got to get back to work now, got some boats to sink and some drive some to click that reset button! :)

Great report Kreger and an honor working under you, Londiste and The Tyrant himself!!


*We now interrupt the broadcast to bring you this special report:

Storm has somehow managed to lose half of her alliance in the reforming of PORT. Not only that, they are now enemies. Only time will tell how fast the demise of TBS will come, but we do know this - Kreger will not sleep till they do go down.


This should be interesting. Keep up the good work LoE. Although I hope TBS bounces back because otherwise this will be a very boring war.


This has to be a trick for sure
I thought the alliance PORT was no more
Now with all thats been said and done
PORT reformed to get back into the fun
and looks like Black Sheep are in for a WAR!


This should be interesting. Keep up the good work LoE. Although I hope TBS bounces back because otherwise this will be a very boring war.

Oh they have. 100+ incomings so far on myself alone. I've probably lost a city, another hangs in the balance.

Exciting! :D

This has to be a trick for sure
I thought the alliance PORT was no more
Now with all thats been said and done
PORT reformed to get back into the fun
and looks like Black Sheep are in for a WAR!



not so much fun or challenge in my end of the world... TBS may be showing skill, but TBSW seems a little less up to the challenge, which is strange since they were the ones who requested this war....

Current score update:
TBS/W: 2

I think after 24 hours that tells it all, the defender is capping more then the aggressor...

OKAY... maybe not enough... how about this:
Ranking before the war ---> 24 hours after declaring war
TBS 10 ---> 19 (dropped lower then their acedamy!!!, who are ranked #16)
LOE 8 ---> 8

anymore convincing of the outcome here?

TBS is holding themselves very well... its just their MRA fraction is ....well... just not holding their own... which is really funny since the new Cai Tzu proclaimed that LOE was now an MRA due to the recruits that we just brought on... so lets break this down a little more as well...

LOE new recruits from PUU colonized from TBSW: 1
TBSW colonization from new recruits of LOE: 0

granted this is only 24 hours old... but given that their proclamation of LOE is that we were weak and vulnerable, seems to show just the opposite... I see a TBS that is either falling apart or has some new strategy in place to try to have LOE use all our CS space before they show their actual strength... yeah... got to be the second strategy... TBSW is really a monster alliance... trust me, they really are.... somewhere in all this TBSW will prove to the world that they are not an MRA... that they are not the weaklings that they have proven themselves to be in the first 24 hours of a war THEY initiated... yes indeed... from my perspective I eagerly await a more challenging time ahead... one where their strategy starts in effect... you know... when I run out of space for new villages and cant take anymore!!

Interesting strategy for sure... lets see if they can make it work...

*Note* recent update - well not sure about anyone else... but check this out... Andyd was the primary instigator of the war effort and goes vacation mode less then 24 hours into the war itself... wow, I have heard of cowardice and poor leadership before, but what would you do if your leader bailed on you like this? especially when said leader was the instigator of this war? for certain TBSW is falling apart less then 24 hours after they initiated the war against LOE.... 3 of TBSW members are now in vacation mode, I am sure more will follow, and half of TBS has left their tribe... anyone else sense a problem with TBS here? once a mighty ally and friend who betrays their brothers in arms, and less then 24 hours later are a mere fraction of their former might...

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Andyd, the Founder of the acadamy The Black Sheep West, and the instigator of this whole war, has now officially entered Vacation mode.

I won't suggest why he has...I really won't...



Andyd, the Founder of the acadamy The Black Sheep West, and the instigator of this whole war, has now officially entered Vacation mode.

I won't suggest why he has...I really won't...


:supermad: can I suggest it, oh great tyrant? ;)

seriously... he was only going to lose two villages today, and instead runs....:pro: not sim city Andy... I expected more...

Guess he is just that kind of leader that would rather have his people suffer and lose villages instead of himself...:eek:


Andyd, the Founder of the acadamy The Black Sheep West, and the instigator of this whole war, has now officially entered Vacation mode.

I won't suggest why he has...I really won't...


Tact, Kreger, tact. There's no need to state the obvious.

I know...I know... but it gets so frustrating going through my targets and finding my top targets going into vacation mode... Cai Tzu, the other instigator has now fled to vacation... seriously people... YOU (Cai and Andyd) started this war, come back here and fight like a MAN!! grrrrr.......

okay... returning to silence mode.....:cool:



okay... returning to silence mode.....:cool:

Good Kreger. :)

So to keep Gamma in the know, my BP has sky-rocketed due to over 100 attacks in the last 24 hours, more are in-bound, LoE has broken a seige on one of my cities, and I'm still standing.

I'll publicly congratulate my members, for they have shown true grit and ruthless determination for the past 24 hours.

The war has only just begun folks, but so far, your Tyrant is still standing strong ;)



I fail to lose tact for the moment, I am in current mourning over this, pure sissy la la's and woose's, the one village of andyd's was going to look mighty fine on my village listing, ahhhh well I will continue to click and see when he slithers and attempts to sneak back into the game.

Personally something of the same sort happened to me way back when and that is when I was pointed to the direction of LoE, I was so disgusted and let down morally by my so-called leader for a disappearance act I seen the writing on the wall and was so torn and I only have pan.2 to thank for directing me into the right direction, my home now, LoE. I have not looked back since only forward and will continue to do so, I will await andyd's return patiently and take his cities then.

In war the worst thing a player can do is hit that vacation mode button, I found out the fatalness of this myself on beta server and got pwned when I came back and I said never again would I go out like that and have yet to do so.


Brave brave Cai Tzu and Andyd
started a war for all to see
but when it started
they left half hearted
realising winning was not meant to be....


Brave brave Cai Tzu and Andyd
started a war for all to see
but when it started
they left half hearted
realising winning was not meant to be....

I want a BasilBarfly, thats all LoE is missing now.

I've now repulsed over 150 attacks from TBS's finest, with all thanks going to my alliance. Two CS's have failed on me.