Monthly Creative Writing Competition #3!


Hello, one and all!

The submitting period has been increased from 7 days to 14 days, so I hope we will see some excellent entries! This will be another freestyle competition with no word count, so vent your imaginative streak into Word (Other word processing programs are available) and unleash a euphoric beauty into this world! What could possibly be better?

The Rules:
- Only one entry may be admitted per user.
- Plagiarism will result in disqualification - I will be checking!
- Users must privately send me their finished piece via private message or Skype only.
- Authors will remain anonymous until the end of the voting period and no advertising or 'vote rigging' will be condoned.

How This System Works:
- Users have 14 days to send in their pieces. If there are too few entries, this period may be extended at my discretion. You will be informed in this case.
- Once all entries have been collected, they will be put up for voting. The voting period will last 3 days. This may also be extended in cases of few votes or close results.

The Reward:
- I will personally create a congratulatory thread for you to flaunt.
- 200 gold will also be arranged for transferral to an account of your choice.

Competition Schedule:
Competition Begins: [01/07/2013 (Saturday)]
Voting Begins: [15/07/2013]
Result Announcement: [18/07/2013]

Make me proud, or something less cliched and suitably inspirational! :)



Yes, I've got all the entries saved. :)

There is no 'usual' yet. :p There has been one other freestyle and one with a theme. I might alternate between the two, I'll most likely set up a poll to get your views after this competition. :)


Dunno whether I should enter. Someone tell me if I should or shouldn't. I'm stuck...

Link of time

Dunno whether I should enter. Someone tell me if I should or shouldn't. I'm stuck...
If you do....

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Lane has kindly made an announcement, and BT will be mentioning it in the POTM competition announcements, so hopefully we will draw a larger crowd. :)

The section has a core of regulars now, which is fantastic compared to where this section was two months ago. I'll be looking for ways to expand the userbase throughout the Summer! :D


I would enter, but I find it hard to write without some sort of idea or theme, let alone without a word count :p

Maybe next competition :)


Three entries so far, five days to go. :)

Do people find it easier to write a piece with a set theme, then? I assumed that there would be more entries in a freestyle, but if that's not the case I will look into specialising it a little more!