New User Interface Discussion Thread


Hmm Quick bar menu shows me Temple and Academy and not Barracks and Harbor 1) WHY? 2) How the hell do i fix it


You have harbor and barracks under gods on the right hand side


We could make our menu smaller or bigger in the previous interface. Where is the icon that makes it possible now?
And we don't want Heros in Achilles!


Zoom is your friend


this new interface sucks, i like the thing on the side but everything unpoprtional and i hate the city thing and how they made the other side to big


I am so glad that you removed that monstrosity from the bottom of the screen. The new interface is 1000% better and very user friendly. I found that I was right at home after only an hour or so of working with the new screen.
Thanks very much for the time and thought that was put into these changes.


i HATE this new lay out if it keep this way i'll have to go play tribal war where there know how to run there game


I liked the old menu at the bottom because i could change its size. Even though I have large monitor with large resolution, I'd still keep it small and easily see if new posts pop up on the alliance forum. The new one I will have to keep hidden all the time 'cause it takes too much space since it has both text and icons.

I got used to the last interface changes almost instantly, this one will be tough because it has so many things wrong with it.
My biggest issue is that fonts are too god damn small. I have good eyesight, but I need to concentrate in order too see how many resources I got, troop numbers, etc. In fact, warehouse numbers are pretty much touching my browser navigation toolbar. If I use CTL+ to make the whole interface larger, it becomes much slower foggy. So my point is, before I get used to the damn thing, I'll go blind. Now imagine how it is for people with already poor eyesight.

I like 'jump to city' button. Before I used to refresh my browser. However, it should be next to the city, not in the corner.


I actually quite like the new interface, I really like the bar on the side like it used to be. The bar being at the bottom me off, the city change icon makes alot of sense for me as well, overall I think the new interface looks nice and clean.


I actually quite like the new interface, I really like the bar on the side like it used to be. The bar being at the bottom me off, the city change icon makes alot of sense for me as well, overall I think the new interface looks nice and clean.

I like it, it is closer to what it was in the beginning, just more functional.
Great work!


On the whole a new interface looks nice but the icons are too small, too small...


I agree the resource numbers are too small. I actually have to examine them rather than just looking, and I need to do that a lot.

On the other hand I can now clearly see my rank without clicking it. Before even by squinting I couldnt tell an 8 from a 6 or a 2 from a 7.

So yeah, bigger resource numbers please. Should be an easy tweak :p


The small buttons look terrible on my setup, i guess the designers at inno all have huge clear monitors.

Also the jump to city button and the jump to co-ordinate button are nearly identical, i'm always hitting the wrong one and wondering why my island looks "funny" and i can't farm the villages there.

This will take some getting used to. :(


Wow, so a double whammy of a terrible user-unfriendly interface that is slower and crashes all the time and on top of that no more daily rewards? Can you just undo it all and go back to how it was please?


totally agree im not buying anymore gold and am considering quiting


The ordering of the divine powers makes no sense, it's nice they've been separated out but some like Poseidon, Zeus and Athena are sorted left to right by favor cost and others like Hera and particularly Hades aren't.