Recent content by Count Davryll

  1. Increasing playerbase

    I posted the following in a reply to an Event chat. but it should work well here too. Just a word …… KISS (keep it simple stupid) Works in every form of life, except Grepolis it appears. This goal to get players to spend more gold will back fire unless you make it worthwhile for many rather...
  2. Dionysia Event Feedback Thread

    I’m actually saying give something back to the loyal players that just want to play Grepolis. 1 game a year where Inno gives something back. I honestly don’t know what Inno gets from an ”average player” but most average players just leave, so nothing from them, but what if you can pique their...
  3. Dionysia Event Feedback Thread

    Just a word …… KISS (keep it simple stupid) Works in every form of life, except Grepolis it appears. This goal to get players to spend more gold will back fire unless you make it worthwhile for many rather than the big spenders. Here‘s an idea. how about every 6 months (maybe 12 months)...