Recent content by IamTheMasterSpy

  1. The brave fall of Ceytono, and the challenge of Rorblib

    The only insignificant alliance in the server is the not-so-deadly Angels! Thanks for coming to my TED Talk
  2. Family Reunion

    ”deadly”, TF, sweeds, “whip”ped, Zesty (purr) , who will come out on top? My favorite is the deadly guys they have a scary name and a respectable past!
  3. Family Reunion

    Snoozy snooze fest TF is on the menu.
  4. Family Reunion

    "deadly" angels & "respected" Only thing true about this coalition of alliances is that you are in fact "well known"... as food
  5. Family Reunion

    This is sure to be a snooze fest with the top alliance having 3 branches of top Calliber talent. Fellow BloodAngels let's pop a top and jam out to this beauty. BLOOD ANGELS 4L! YAHOOO