Recent content by Roadrunner 1

  1. Grepolis Moving Forwards.

    Hi Guys and Girls, I have rarely posted in the forum even though I've been around for nearly 11 years. I have been reading the moving forwards post and I would just like to say I do not think you will improve player numbers unless you give new players help and time to establish themselves as...
  2. Top 12 Top whatever-number-you-want

    True but what you failed to add was that the women who do play are generally very good players, well that's what I have concluded in the time I have played.
  3. EN136 Community Vote Part 2

    Inno will stop spam when there is a better online game and players stop joining and returning at the end of worlds, they need to find a balance between fare pricing and greed, greed will only end up in short term gains. All they are doing at the moment is seeing players not returning and I don't...
  4. Bring Back The Grepolis Player's Council

    Roadrunner 1
  5. Hero Coins

    Hi, earlier today the game stole 8 defence coins which I had accumulated and when I tried to use them to train my hero from level 31 to level 39 which should of taken me into level nine, the game took the coins but did not register them to the hero still leaving her on level 31. Since then I...