Recent content by RudeNoxious

  1. RudeNoxious

    Spartans Assassins Where?

    spears come at one past midnight server time
  2. RudeNoxious

    Top 12 Top 12

    I really don't know where you get it from but I was never in True Fear in Hydra and further am I also not in True Fear in this world
  3. RudeNoxious

    Top 12 Top 12

    I vagely remember you to be the guy on hydra having 5 cities with no transports and only dlu inside, how are you going to challenge them? Hug them to dead?
  4. RudeNoxious

    Top 12 Sink & Swim Series

    Are you stupid or is this just an act?
  5. RudeNoxious

    Newspaper Player Interviews & World Thoughts

    Archers are the way to go, easy revolts
  6. RudeNoxious

    Newspaper Player Interviews & World Thoughts

    why are people always crying about lost troops, like dude that's the purpose ... Just build them again