Recent content by Sailanthresh

  1. Such a Shame.....

    Hi I am looking to join a fun spirited team. Are there any good alliances here?
  2. End Game - Still Long way to go

    Well that was fun
  3. End Game - Still Long way to go

    Sorry mate, I didnt complain at all on milos. I was a herc and messed around on the backline on the weekends nothing more, please show some proof of me complaining anywhere from that server
  4. End Game - Still Long way to go

    Still 300 vs 75, you have more points and over 1k more cities. Quit complaining. Also I stand corrected by earlier comments, we saw no incoming insomnia support this last op so I can no longer say they are apart of the coalition/MRA group.
  5. End Game - Still Long way to go

    Maybe all of you coalition huggers fail because you are all selfish. How is it possible for me to get supporter of the day when we op you and you didnt even touch us?
  6. End Game - Still Long way to go

    Staying true to your name at least!!!