This Section

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
The Local Council requested a public forum area where they could more easily interact with the community without the clutter of other threads and non player council topics. I'm going to be mainly hands off in this area in terms of commenting and feedback but I will be watching for rule breaches as per usual and am willing to help with adding things like prefixes or polls if the council/community feels the need for them on a particular matter. Also the section name isn't great so if people come up with something better let me know.


The Senate
The Forum ;)
The Hoe Down
Town Hall

Sorry, not a very creative person.


The Local Council is elected by each local Grepolis Community (they only operate in their local community) whereas the Inner Council is composed of delegates from each Grepolis Community (all around the globe). The delegates of the Inner Council are Local Council members who were voted to serve in that position by their fellow council members. The Inner Council then selects 5 members to serve on an Advisory Board that is in direct communication with the developers.


So we elected 5 Members to be on OUR "Local Council" to represent "EN" Servers
The Inner Council is then comprised of a representative from our Local Council, along with other "Local Council Elects" from other Servers
THEN, that Inner Council nominates 5 people to be "Advisers" with the Dev's
Local Council->Inner Council->Dev Council
~~Correct me if I am wrong @figtree2 ~~

If I got everything right, then can we get a name change on the forums "EN" to reflect the "Local" Council Part
For Example

@Baudin Toolan posted:
"The Player's Council requested a public forum area where they could more easily interact with the community without the clutter of other threads and non player council topics. I'm going to be mainly hands off in this area in terms of commenting and feedback but I will be watching for rule breaches as per usual and am willing to help with adding things like prefixes or polls if the council/community feels the need for them on a particular matter. Also the section name isn't great so if people come up with something better let me know."

I would prefer it to be corrected to state
The Local Council has requested a public forum area where they could more easily interact with the community without the clutter of other threads and non player council topics. I'm going to be mainly hands off in this area in terms of commenting and feedback but I will be watching for rule breaches as per usual and am willing to help with adding things like prefixes or polls if the council/community feels the need for them on a particular matter. Also the section name isn't great so if people come up with something better let me know.

When you say:
"The delegates of the Inner Council are Player Council members who were voted to serve in that position by their fellow council members."

^I would just prefer some clarity or would like to choose one name to call the Council that represents each regional server, instead of switching between calling it a Player Council/Local Council


So we elected 5 Members to be on OUR "Local Council" to represent "EN" Servers
The Inner Council is then comprised of a representative from our Local Council, along with other "Local Council Elects" from other Servers
THEN, that Inner Council nominates 5 people to be "Advisers" with the Dev's
Local Council->Inner Council->Dev Council
~~Correct me if I am wrong @figtree2 ~~

If I got everything right, then can we get a name change on the forums "EN" to reflect the "Local" Council Part
For Example

@Baudin Toolan posted:
"The Player's Council requested a public forum area where they could more easily interact with the community without the clutter of other threads and non player council topics. I'm going to be mainly hands off in this area in terms of commenting and feedback but I will be watching for rule breaches as per usual and am willing to help with adding things like prefixes or polls if the council/community feels the need for them on a particular matter. Also the section name isn't great so if people come up with something better let me know."

I would prefer it to be corrected to state
The Local Council has requested a public forum area where they could more easily interact with the community without the clutter of other threads and non player council topics. I'm going to be mainly hands off in this area in terms of commenting and feedback but I will be watching for rule breaches as per usual and am willing to help with adding things like prefixes or polls if the council/community feels the need for them on a particular matter. Also the section name isn't great so if people come up with something better let me know.

I find it confusing to state there is a Player Council, instead of a Local Council or vice versa
Would it be possible to come to a consensus on what we are going to call it for clarity sake

Just found out that it is in fact the "Local Council". All three councils collectively are the Player Council. I will change the above posts to reflect that. Yes, you are correct. That is how the council works. There is a backup for the inner council though.


Grepolis Council: As Explained By A Player

Maybe this is the spot for this post, but then again, it's is probably not
Given the information that @figtree2 help me clarify, this whole Council Operation sounds overwhelming
This post is also rather helpful, but I found it on the US Servers
^If the link stops working, or whatever, I have it screenshotted and can reupload the writeup
**Be Warned, some of the facts and statements contradict each other

****Here is a picture that provides a quick summary

Phase 1: The Local Council
Grepolis can be played in 12 different languages, which means 12 unique servers.
We (EN) elected 5 members to be on the Local Council, and I can only assume that most every server did the same.
*I did not include the Beta Test Server in my analysis because most players "Main" on non-beta servers.
**The US Server has 4 members due to 1 member misbehaving during his election cycle
***It's rather interesting looking at how each country has a different forum set-up if you have the time to poke around
In total, there are (12*5)=60-(1 Misbehaving American)=59
Members of separate Local Councils
What do they do?
"Gather local feedback and discuss it internally. Prepare data for their Inner Council spokesperson to present"
For the EN Server, this Local Council is comprised of the following players:

1. Phidippidies
2. Bearissimus
3. Shadowcane
4. Miknel
5. GothamSoldier

*Note: They "Gather" local feedback, so we will most likely not hear from them unless they want contact

Phase 2: The Inner Council
To establish yourself as a member of this group, you must be voted up from your Local Council. Only 1 Spokesperson per Server
12 Languages= 12 Representatives of the Local Council
*At this time, I believe it has not yet been decided on who is the member of the Inner Council for our (EN) Server, unless it has not yet been made public knowledge
What do they do?
Aggregation and discussion of community related topics. Formulation of feedback and suggestions for the development team.

*Note: This squad takes the data and feedback, cleans it up, and makes it presentable for the "Dev Council"

Phase 3: The Council Advisory Board/Aka "Dev Council"
"3-5 Members of Inner Council"
*I will assume it will probably be 5 members
**That means (12-5)=7 servers not represented on "Dev Council"
What do they do?
"Representation of Council related matters during special events with the development team."

*Note: They will talk to the development team during "Special Events/Occasions"

Phase 4: The Player Council?
What is this? Well it is a conglomerate of all the players that make up the "Councils" so to speak
Based on information on the forums
  1. "Consist of up to 23 representatives and their substitutes for the Inner Council
    1. *But wait? 12 Servers, and 23 Reps? That's kinda of.. confusing.. This must have been changed
    2. If we take each Server 12, and multiply for 2, for their respective Beta Servers we get 24
      1. Minus that One Server that we don't talk about
      2. It is stated there is a maximum of 115 elected members!!!
If we assume all 115 members were elected, our 5 members make up 4.34% of Council Power
  1. Our Man on the Inside The "Inner Council" gives us slightly better odds!
    1. THINK AGAIN (5/115) is the same as (1/23)
Okay, but maybe we have a shot at the "Dev Council"
  1. You could look at it in 1 of 2 ways
  2. We have a 22% chance of getting a member on the Dev Council
  3. We have a 78% chance of NOT getting a member on the Dev Council

Your term may only be 6 months, (5 months left now)
But I hope you Council Members are up for the Challenge and go all the way to the "Dev Council"

**This Post has been saved and screenshoted for Quality Assurance Reasons**



Correct-ish. I will refer you to this, however, which has been consistently glossed over / ignored since he originally posted it.

All 5 members of the council are active and speak fluent english or are able to hide it well. That being said the player who copy pasted a message was removed from the council on day 1 and was replaced by thewilsh. Getting each group on each server to decide on a spokesperson is not easy since the people who applied are for the most part strong minded individuals who care about the community. Suddenly asking them to get along right at the start was going to be a bit of a challenge but it was accomplished, the spokesman chosen as well as the substitute and now they will meet with their counterparts from the other servers and thus will begin the Player's Council work. The start up of a new team of people is always the slow part.

*note, emphasis added.

The spokesperson for EN on the Inner Council is thewilsh.
The substitute for EN on the Inner Council is myself.

The Inner Council is currently taking volunteers to be on the Advisory Board. If there are more than five volunteers, a vote will be taken. There is already a skype call set up with devs and the Grepolis Team Lead next month (I think I'm allowed to say that, if not Baudin feel free to edit me).

In the meantime, we are discussing the topics that are near and dear to our own hearts on how to make Grepo a better and more sustainable game. Those ideas are being supplemented by the plethora of ideas that have already been stated in various places throughout the forum. You have to keep in mind that this is a fluid thing though. The council members are "council members" for at minimum six months, at maximum one year if reelected. That means that if you feel that your voice or your idea is not being heard or considered by the council in the way you want it to, well in five months you have the opportunity to run and push whatever concepts you feel are most necessary, and I would encourage people to do so. It would literally be impossible to try to enact EVERY change that people voice in the five months we are allotted - but a database of those ideas is being compiled for future councils to have at their disposal to be brought back to the table as they see fit.


@Miknel, care to share the ideas and the priority of those ideas?
also, do you have a mandate from inno or are you just discussing whatever ideas you want atp?

We will share when it's been worked through as a council with the priority decided upon - which will then be shared and vetted by the overall community (or in this case the minuscule representation of the community that the external forums represent).

Silver Witch

I think this is very helpful. Ideally someone amends Loves you note with Miks update. That way there is a perfect version of what the council is at the start of the thread. I think those of us who keep posting have a pretty good idea now of whats happening but those who look sporadically/who come after will find this useful. Maybe put it at the top after Baudlins comment.


So I must confess my disappointment in finding out this way who actually made the council. It was sent out as a request on the servers and then no announcement at all of those selected. As a player who put my name in the running and now have those who voted for me asking if I have hear anything, I would like to know how those who have clearly been chosen have been notified that they were chosen and why the rest of us who were not chosen did not receive a notification saying thanks you did not get enough votes yadda yadda?

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
So I must confess my disappointment in finding out this way who actually made the council. It was sent out as a request on the servers and then no announcement at all of those selected. As a player who put my name in the running and now have those who voted for me asking if I have hear anything, I would like to know how those who have clearly been chosen have been notified that they were chosen and why the rest of us who were not chosen did not receive a notification saying thanks you did not get enough votes yadda yadda?

The winner's were announced over a month ago on the forum. You can find the announcement here, it also includes the substitute members should one of those elected go inactive. The announcement was made on the forum where all members and applicants were expected to be active. If an applicant wasn't actively logging into and checking the forum they would not have made the council regardless of the vote outcome. As EN had the second highest amount of total applicants I did not have the time to message every one who didn't win to say sorry you didn't win as I had to get the 5 elected members their rights and get them into their area to begin their inner council vote. I assumed the announcement with all the winners would be sufficient considering everyone who applied should have been reading the forum regardless.


I have the feeling this exercise, the Council, is simply adding multiple layers of insulation between the players and OWNERS/Developers. I wonder what will be accomplished in the short time between elections and learning the job..
Most efficient operations have reduced the layers of communications... INNO has added 3 more layers between the players and the Inno Corporation..
If community managers are unable to effect viable changes for the better, just how is a short term council going to be any more effective?

This whole exercise has the appearance of an iceberg, 9/10ths of the berg is underwater, so what arnt we seeing or hearing..

As an observation If the council members are not reaching out to their constituents, via bulk/mass message, whose interests are they representing, ours, theirs or the Inno gods?


I think next time I will run for Council
My description will be only state "I will win due to Poll Bias"
And as long as I am in the top group of people in the voting section, I will get the majority of votes.
That way, at least I will be apart of the Wall, that is closer to the big wall, that is before the final wall, before you can talk to a dev


I think a better question would be what is it that the council wants to accomplish here and hows that coming? What's the path to accomplishing those goals?


I think a better question would be what is it that the council wants to accomplish here and hows that coming? What's the path to accomplishing those goals?

A month into this (officially), I can tell you that the path to accomplishing anything is getting the other members of the Inner Council from the respective markets to agree with you (specific) on what "you" (general meaning the EN GPC) find to be most important. That is not easy. Anyone who has ever played with or in any of the international markets non US know that a lot of that portion of the overall Grepolis community is really hype on the meta game. I have managed to push a few things though, at least, to be considered as topics of conversation with the Devs. I will post the list currently posted in the beta Inner Council forum for discussion. It's the grepolis players council, so you guys are free to comment on any/all the points laid out here. I have my own comments, obviously, that I make on a daily basis. Whether or not they are actually heard or considered is a completely different topic. Don't shoot the messenger. You'll see below that the list is meta as can be. Trust me, I'm fighting the good fight - just unfortunately the vast majority of the larger population seem more concerned with the colors of your cities than inconsistencies in moderation or teamviewer usage.

1 Change worlds' ending (World Wonders actually) + what happens after WW - New End game
. - Add that a Wonder can also be demolished even if a city on the wonder island is conquered by an ally player.
. - Change the World Wonders Prerequisites: the world must have been in existence for at least 12 months and the sum of the top 50 alliances points must be at least 500 million
2 Make options and premiun function on mobile equal to browser option
. - Implemant events on application
. - Make possible to give dynamic reports on application
. - Make possible to change the name of a city on application
. - Having the same possibilities for the admin on application as on website
. - See on application if a message is open or not
3 Change color of single Citys (yes, there was an actual discussion about the color of cities)
4 Make support punishment more clear
. - especially with banishment when you are unattackable BUT permanent
. - equal punishment for everyone
. - Add a rule to deal about spamming, pushing etc... (a very very vague bullet point about my longwinded spam rant)
. - Make that Game Rules are clearer (espacially rule number 9), to make that support may be able to punish more and operate better
. - Make than banned people on World Wonders island be attackable
. - See live conquests
. (this whole point being an utter travesty to the larger discussion that took place on moderation)
5 Make possible to publish several reports in one time, than click and click until end of time to publish reports
6 Make possible to reconvert troups in order to stop recycling of troops
7 Make possible troops's recycling to avoid push
8 Event adjustments
. - Decrease the effect of gold on the event
. - Make the events more linked with mithology and less repetitive
. - more variation
. - Events should be equally fair to small players and top players
. - Events using glory points for ranking should be reconsidered. Often there are players who recieve only 2 points
9 Add for admin a system to fill every cave in only one click as for culture
10 Add a complete city group to attack planner (with same time )
11 Make an easier bb-code system for table
12 Better performance
. - When we have many orders the game is slowing (try to fluidize the game)
. - With more then 200 citys city groups are getting slow
13 When a Player turns into ghost, troops have to return to their own city
14 Battle Village
. - With Battle village, If you lose your first town the Battle village has to go to another island
. - The Bandit Camp to remains and after has reached level 100, for ever.
. - Remove the Battle Point Villages, bring back the Farming Villages (make them 7 at least)
15 The quest missions. They are useful, but for veteran players (these yellow arrows) are a bit annoying
. We dont need to be told where to build the town, how to change our city name, how to collect resources from the villages.
16 1. Those cities which dont reach 300 (3 hundred) point within 2 days should be earsed automatically, and leave their slot int he island so that others can be invited there, or a new city can be founded there.
17 Reports
. - Introduce a search system for the reports. This way a player could search for key words like town names, or spells like „earthquake”, or „wedding
. - Search combined with filters. You are able to only see „espionage” for a certain enemy town. Or spells casted on your city, and quicky delete them all
. - 1. Publication more repors at a time. Mark several reports, and then be able to make them public and then post it on the alliance forum. (maybe maximise them in 10, because otherwise the forum often crashes.)
18 1. About messages: Search for player names, or dates.
19 Forum (ingame)
. - Posting several reports in one reply results in crashes. Thus these posts should be automatically put into spoilers. It helps out players with weak computers.
. - Forum moderator can mark comments and delete them together
. - BIG PROBLEM WITH INGAME FOROUM. after some postures is VERY slow to open, also make able to erase many messages together.
. -
20 To be much more easier for the players to increase the cultural level.
21 Building units with mass recruiting by the game
20 When you order your troops to a location, to be no time exclusion (+-10)
21 Create naval battles with raward on the patrol of the sea in case of victory.
22 Add weather effects to the game that changing the result of the battle and add weather forecasts for next days. (some of these ideas leave me speechless, this is one)
23 Make able to lock support commands of player choice
24 Make able 2 alliances to merge in one with the touch of a button (we call this magic)
25 Increase the storage's capacity of Divine favour produced in the temple to 700.
26 In spying to also see the god of the city.
27 Add a defending/attacking award for alliances and players to the end of every world.
28 Open new worlds every 4 months instead of 2 months.
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