Why aren’t javelin or pike men units a thing in this game. And how about a different variety in units like lite units and heavy. Lite swordsman made for defense and heavy swordsman made for offense. Just some ideas
What if inno games made a game like Grepolis but only it was modern day or future. The game would be mech warfare like gundam frames or something like that. I think that would be cool as **** and if anyone could do it, it’s inno games.
The angels of death are allied with black ships and a few other smaller alliances. If they all work together I think they can hold of rabbits of caerbannog
I know you’re not supporting the old app but could you please tell the developers to fix the forums bug. It’s almost impossible to use the forums when a lot of messages start pilling up.
@KingFrak you can’t just hop around alliances like you have been in the world Milos then just make a crappy alliance at random and expect it to grow or even work. Everyone has an alliance already. Good luck with the round turd