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  1. Reimu Hakurei

    Top 12 My Dymoros Top 8

    Hustlers University for the win
  2. Reimu Hakurei

    Top 1

    6. Yo Bismarck
  3. Reimu Hakurei

    Why no more hero worlds?

    high maintain cost and nobody spends gold on them
  4. Reimu Hakurei

    Top 1

  5. Reimu Hakurei

    Proposal Limited Pacts

    You can't limit pacts, people would share discord or some external form of communication and still be together. Game already discourages pacting by allowing 1 winning alliance per world
  6. Reimu Hakurei

    Pre-World Chryseon Discussion Thread

    Thats just incorrect, higher speed benefits f2p players, you pretty much dont have to gold at all on speed 6 Just about how active you are, most guys who are big spenders play slow revolt worlds as they work half of the day :)
  7. Reimu Hakurei

    Family Reunion

    What a shitstorm for real tho
  8. Reimu Hakurei

    The brave fall of Ceytono, and the challenge of Rorblib

    So anyone that isnt #1 is insignificant, just because they have less BP? Kinda flawed logic not gonna lie there. Also BP is not a good metric, you might see that first hand sooner or later..:)
  9. Reimu Hakurei

    The brave fall of Ceytono, and the challenge of Rorblib

    So who is the obvious winner? Curious Also apparently #2 alliance is "insignificant"
  10. Reimu Hakurei

    Wheel of Battle 2024 Feedback Thread

    World class constructive critisism :cool:
  11. Reimu Hakurei

    Hero swap lag

    Can we finally fix the freeze when you swap a hero?
  12. Reimu Hakurei

    Family Reunion

    Samos is a direct example that the favourites and "best players" dont always win... Epic losers had 2 alliances in top 2 places 2-3 weeks after bp... they managed to fold midway through the server, and alien extraction, alliance im part of :( lost very close wonder race to true fear, which was...
  13. Reimu Hakurei

    Pre-World Acherontia Discussion Thread

    All my homies hate olympus! Change it to dom or wonders gods sake
  14. Reimu Hakurei

    Someone explain to me

    Narc+cp is better than eq in every scenario. 95% of players will just gold up the 2 levels of wall and will be thankful that you applied a protection against potential narc as you cant put negative spells one after another
  15. Reimu Hakurei

    Top 12 Top 12

    Karma being served (no pun intended)
  16. Reimu Hakurei

    Mobile UI Feedback Thread

    You have to go into agora...... Big oversight. there's just empty space on the left side of the screen where current troops in the city should be.
  17. Reimu Hakurei

    Mobile UI Feedback Thread

    Quick bar was essential for me in the new app due to the hard usage, i have binded some custom things on it. Can we get it back?
  18. Reimu Hakurei

    Guide Quickbar Tutorial (Premium)

    Gonna necro this thread TownGroupOverview.setActiveTownGroup(353) Replace the number (in my case its 353) with town group ID, which you need to get using inspect element in city groups overview. Replace the number with -1 to deselect group
  19. Reimu Hakurei

    Pre-World Velopoula Discussion Thread

    Olympus revolt, is that real?