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  1. Finegold

    Proposal Two random QoL ideas

    #1. Currently if you send resources to another city of yours you can cancel it if you are at the perspective of the city you sent the resources from. If you switch to the city you are sending resources to, you can not cancel the trade. This is inconsistent with supports or attacks, where you can...
  2. Finegold

    Proposal Queue spells on attacks

    Currently if you are doing a risky land attack that lands in X minutes then you have to spam click spell button to avoid enemy from purifying and zeus' raging. Even though the systems works, no one actually wants to sit for that many minutes spamming a button, and I am sure it atleast to some...
  3. Finegold

    The Laughing Hyele

    Post some funny Hyele-related stuff as a conclusion to this world stories, reports, memes, messages... anything! ps: please try to keep insults/salt/personal stuff at a minimum (unless it's funny ofc, then go nuts)