2.0 Inter-world War


Hey everyone,

I am from Delta and was wondering if anyone was interested in the follow idea. I was busy Conquering my 11th city when I got the best idea, Inter-world wars.

I think there 4 corners of the world should be used to the maximum,

Alpha - NE
Beta - SE
Gamma - SW
Delta - NW

We will take all the best from each world (allies and enemies) and make them work together to see which world is really THE BEST. We will reside in the corners scooping up other players from other worlds and New players until we are ready then we will go to war with each other to see who will win.

We all can build up until we have a decent number of cities and then agree to go to war with neighboring World alliances or the most likely case Murder each other as soon as we get conquest researched.

The Suggested world is Sigma because we are all used to Conquest the only real adjustment is the speed (3) and alliance cap (88) which will be adapted to easily because not every player will be used to the speed, or be willing to stick with the new world.

Also in Delta (and other worlds) the Allances won't all be merged together we will operate as allies though. Maybe 1 will take on the south border and the other take the east border. It's really up to everyone else.

My inspiration was wanting to know the other worlds and to test out 2.0 with a exciting twist ;)


Works for me. If I can get my alliance up and running, we will take the SW. We can clean up all non alliance participants, or any interlopers from overseas foriegn alliances(like New Life from Romania) and then duke it out amongst ourselves.

5 days and counting!



If you perform a search of the Ideas Forum you will see that this has been suggested 2 or 3 times already. Read through those threads and see if you can overcome the objections that get raised in them.


Done twice before with Team Ryan and Team Dobby and then the Narwhals and Penguins.

Both ended really quickly, exactly the same way, with one alliance completely destroying the other and a very quick merge.


Too bad it would have been fun War of the Worlds I :p enemies working together to prove that they are apart of the best world, it would be better if we all got up to a few cities though before war.


Very rarely do "world wars" last very long, especially early on between premades. One side is almost always wrecking the others and the losing side either quits or merges into someone else. The only one that I have heard of lasting awhile was TW-Shadow versus Thunder Gods on alpha which lasted about 3-4 months before one was only passively fighting back