2.81 Discussion thread


Great work nothing important just something shinier to make us buy gold..... :( glad you all had a drawing class. now back to trying to make grepolis better.


I agree. Does the team think that the game is flawless that replacing images is becoming their prime focus?


This seemed like the most relevant thread. Saw the recent post about Advisors graphics changes, and have something to say.

While we appreciate the hardwork you (the dev team) are putting into the game and trying to keep it interesting for players, honestly, you must reconsider your priorities.

Grepolis is a war strategy game, which needs understanding of battle tactics, etc. However, recent changes have honestly, been redundant. No one is bothered about how your advisors look. They provide benefits which are useful in-game, thats all. There are several other more serious issues which needs addressing, including WW revamp (we have been promised that for 2 years now), the release of new servers, and implementing community suggested features. However, we are getting things like improved graphics and animation, gold trading/instant buy (which honestly, is not very useful).

Due to recent changes being implemented, Grepolis is losing quality players faster than it is gaining, and is thus, dying out. I humbly request the team, if you are reading this, please think about it.

Thank you.

Relevant to this thread as well! We don't want better graphics, we need better gameplay!!


When does a similar game to this come out with GoT theme? anyone know?


You guys seem to be all ignoring the bug fixes that are rolling out. Like this example below. I mean - you guy's must have all been eagerly awaiting the fix to this one for years too... lol
...The apostrophe character was not allowed to be used in town names for some languages...

In reality though, I think this is more about the SSL implementation, and they also took the opportunity to push out some more trivial big fixes that had yet to be rectified.


Relevant to this thread as well! We don't want better graphics, we need better gameplay!!

This is what we all waited for years, better Advisors look ;)
They are ignoring everything else , good work INNO, no wonder you are losing players.Take this from someone who understand what he talks:You need BETTER SERVERS!We all pay you money to play this game and we want some quality in return, you current servers can`t deal with that.Every time when we have ops and more than 200-300 attacks in 1 minute your servers crush.Last time we had 1.5k attacks in 1 minute and entire day the world had huge lag.This is war game and you should deal with that ASAP.Second you MUST give us new end game or your future does not look great.
Those are just my two cents


I rarely have time or inclination to post in the forums, but as one who has played this game for 4+ years (using a different handle for the first few..) I can say the game has intrinsically changed little.
New graphics are cool.. they'll perhaps attract more of the new players to spend.. but functionally they're the same.. nice marketing..
However, the improvements we've seen of late don't make those among us who have played for a while, interested in starting a new campaign on a new world..
I find that after a few months of playing, I need a break from the same old same old.. variations to the war game, such as allowing catapults to be a defensive/offensive weapon.. added dlu and alu categories.. adjusted time allowances when adding favour in a WW build..
There are a host of innovations which could be brought into the game.. mind you it would require thinking which went beyond cosmetic improvement.


Sheesh. I liked the old ones better, these new advisors look horrible :Angry: :pro: