Proposal Adding reload button to live report


Proposal: Add a 'reload' button onto the live report to make the server refresh it

Reason: If I want to refresh the live report, I have to close wherever I can see it, and then reopen that place again. (I usually opt for Notes because of this)

Visual Aids: The button might be added somewhere here



Just simply closing/reopening whatever the live was shown in works. Eg. closing/reclosing my notes or going out of the tab and back to the thread in the forums.

But it'd be much more convenient to have a button which does that for me.

Note the live report isn't actually 'live'. It doesn't update itself unless you do the above. Hence the:


is displayed

Silver Witch

I agree its a pain to keep refreshing if u have to watch a siege but refreshing does do the job.

If a live report could update itself say every minute that might help.

Overall though i think there are other priorities for the developers - this wouldn't be top of my list.