Proposal Alliance Forum Player Name Message Alert


Proposal: I think it would be extremely helpful in drawing players attention to something directed specifically for them (or as a group) in an alliance thread if there was the ability to flag and notify individuals using the player name command to send a notification that they have been flagged to read something. (Like Facebook)

Reason: Increased internal alliance leader/player and player/player communication. e.g. We have our alliance separated into squads and I'm in "B". I don't necessarily need to know about A & C "stuff" but it's important to get notified of any new event/plan in B Squad. Currently however, unless I constantly manually monitor the forums I miss stuff. Others in our alliance are experiencing the same issue and if we are experiencing the problem then every player, every world are as well. Group mailing could be used, but that increases the amount of labor for the leader/moderator.

Details: Alliance forum name notification flagging would help resolve issues with missed communications, especially in an alliance as outlined in the above example. Most of the functionality is already there (i.e. Player Name, message creation, intra-player mail, etc.). Having a notification that a message in a forum with your name tagged it in has been created could be automatically sent to the player along the same lines as a report being received and should be fairly simple to implement. The tagging could even be expanded to include key words to draw attention to individuals responsible/interested/need-to-know specific information.

Visual Aids: None

Abuse Prevention: Internal alliance moderation. Any abuse would be reported within the alliance to the individual(s) who moderate the forums.

What speaks against the idea: Nothing that I can think of. Anyone else?


At first glance, it seems to be a useful idea but...
If you need to tell something to special group of players, you can use mass mail. No, it doesn't require much work.
There is already a notification for unread posts. If you don't want to be notified about new posts in the left menu, you can switch off this feature for certain forum section.
It's not time consuming to read all (excluding some fun stuff which should be separated from rest of forum content).
It would be annoying to write many nicks to this flag... because in case of using that on 1 - 3 players, it simply doesn't worth it and you can really use PM.

It's all about ally and its forum organization.