Competition Alliance profiles "best ever"


Vote for best player * best mods and more of all kind of votes.

All have seen it by now (yes perhaps there are much better rooms to do it instead of overhere @ 84) but no clue where i would do it instead of the room where i am playing.

No trouble with voting but when people can vote about 5 alliances where 2 are complete loser teams, and when people can be voted between 5 players where 1 of them is a MOD who never has won a single prize than i start to think , wg-hat a wast of time lol.

i ask all who intrested to post here for this week alliance profiles.

If u think u have a cool 1 or have seen 1,

AFTER A WEEK i TAKE WHAT I FIND are cool to put in a survey so after we all can vote on something what is fair and not made up or actually put so many good players or alliances in a corner where they don't belong!

Here are some examples, so be my guest to drop some more profiles, would love to get some feedback how , why and where the profile picture came (comes from).

Eviction Notice , world 17.

Winner, and the profile text don't leave room for error or misunderstanding.

HERT (world73), name came from a merge between Hawklords Electissimus and Rotten Tomatoes, simple...
Picture found online HERT = LOVE , HURTS WAS WRITTEN hurt AND hard was changed to to avoid beeing banned for beeing profane lol.


Coming later / soon / after.

Used all the same layout and got some INGAME LSNUKE IN THE PICTURES.




Merged some teams (merged teams are in the picture), and we called it The Merge, trying to be "original" lol.



Why does this feel more like erik boasting than a competition


i wish i had kept a pic of 13th legion profile from idalium. Now that was interesting. Graeme, you still have it? Yes, the one with the beer.

and the banana


i wish i had kept a pic of 13th legion profile from idalium. Now that was interesting. Graeme, you still have it? Yes, the one with the beer.

and the banana

Hmm I have it somewhere, Let me look around a bit...

EDIT: Found it :p Sorry for the size tehe

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I know Hyperborea is a simmer world, but as far as best alliance profiles I have to unashamedly nominate my own ... Capitalist Pigs


There's too much going on in Eriks ones, simple pictures are much better.