Top 12 Alliances Sink-or-Swim

  • Thread starter Greygnarl The Destroyer
  • Start date


Keep sending them pact requests, they'll just keep on taking your cities.

That was pretty funny. LoD had taken 8 cities from AT already and they sent a pact request. We were killing ourselves laughing on skype.

Also, thanks for taking some of those players directly into your alliance from AT2. I like it better when I have friends are directly in the mother alliance.


I agree with you ! May give you a chance to practice your backdoor sniping...Sportsmanship is key !!! Having a spy and talking about it goes to show the quality and confidence you have in your own Alliance to win something by itself...I think you should leave you Alliance and go to LoD Blizzack so it seems you have nothing good to talk about your own Alliance ??? I would be happy being one of your player and see how poorly you think of them....
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It is a friend, not a spy. He actually lives across the road from me. lol. I am just enjoying the game with a great group of members. I have played in alliances in other worlds with a few of the AT members. They are not spy's but friends. :). Just keep that straight and I am not talking about this anyways. I told Grepop a few months ago that I would not talk about this. So lets drop that.

As for LoD, I would party with them any day. Great group there too.


Good....that line of talking suits you better....Also for your enjoyment, in the last 90 days, WE got 48 of YOUR cities and you got 9 of ours if my stats are right....You see, talking about Illu and AT...Not others...that's why you are #8 now....and why we are #2...Just to make sure everyone in here can measure leadership by results and facts...not by gossip. That's how i work mate : i value doers, and i have a big disdain of talkers...


This is much more entertaining gossip. All Robbo and I talk about is who in Atomic is sleeping with who in Atomic, and how they created Atomical to fill it with hot girls.


mmmmm.....Hot girls. I am guessing none in AT.

As for Martin; I would need to disagree. Your numbers are not exact, you should also add LoD cities in that too. We have helped them take a fair few cities from AT as well. Most of those cities you have taken from us are our in-active too. So you should look in the mirror when you make some of those comments. As for doers, it is kind of funny because I think only 5 of those doers are actually taking our in-active cities. Where is the rest of your doers? Luckly you have Grepop (Great Player, and not afraid to say it when I see it) to take those cities and turn them over to you. Might be lost without him. Turn that Founder lead to Grepop and I would consider your alliance a contentor.


Lol...So playing with LoD is great but playing as a team is not ? are forgetting me giving away cities also. As for you considering us as a contender is obvious : you are not neither is your alliance a contender but a dissapearing act in Dyme. Also, Grepo is a founder, T is a founder, i am the co founder and only so because of the forum and some background in our Alliance....As a matter of real fact, i am no founder and no leader...just an ordinary player..unlike you..the great runner. And our numbers are right so was my CS of Aportattatttattathos cities and yours also if i remember well...And many of Scope...But enough of the history...again, all in grepostats...even a clown can go and see and compare our as a losing Alliance leader that should resign btw if you had any dignity, and me as part of a winning Alliance. Numbers dont lie and dont gossip...unlike you and your claims of spies in this forum...Oh sorry ! your friends across the street !!!
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Lets not get Leadership mixed up with Winning. You can have great leaders that do not win. Leadership is someone that members will follow and are loyal to (my opinion). I do not hear that about Martin but I will say I hear that about Grepop. I will give him kudos and members are loyal to him and without him I have heard that AT would have crumbled by now. (just what I am hearing about) I am not afraid to give praise, I do not need to feed negative vibes all the time like some do on this forum. Also, no need to brag Martin, we all know about you and what you have and have not done as you said we can see the stats.
Martinb0117 said:
you are forgetting me giving away cities also.


Well, hope so for you that there is great leader that lose, lie and spy...this is what i see from you. So yes, you can consider yourself a leader if this is your definition. As for bragging and gossiping, thats what you came in here doing since you have nothing else to show up for : No win, no victory, no stories...Only licking LoD asses like a little crying girl ...All i hear and read from you, is that you have nothing at all that goes the way of a leader...Leader do not brag about having spies and gossiping about other leaders/players. Only useless player, not leader, like you. And yes Grepo is a great leader...But AT is more that it's leader, but this is again something a clown like you cant understand...AT is a team of players helping each other...Unlike your own Alliance...But with a little gossiping queen like wonder...


And i should add again : A little gossiping queen with absolutely no bragging right, no numbers to show for and worst than that, losing on all front...At least if you would be something close to a player with some BP's or good DBP...Not even close....I do not hear about you that you are useless from your players...i see it in Grepostats everyday...and they all know it and we know need to tell us. So keep on feeding info in this forum from your ''spies'' and ''friends'' in AT !!!! It seems the info you are getting cant make you a better player...goes to say...


Well, hope so for you that there is great leader that lose, lie and spy...this is what i see from you. So yes, you can consider yourself a leader if this is your definition. As for bragging and gossiping, thats what you came in here doing since you have nothing else to show up for : No win, no victory, no stories...Only licking LoD asses like a little crying girl ...All i hear and read from you, is that you have nothing at all that goes the way of a leader...Leader do not brag about having spies and gossiping about other leaders/players. Only useless player, not leader, like you. And yes Grepo is a great leader...But AT is more that it's leader, but this is again something a clown like you cant understand...AT is a team of players helping each other...Unlike your own Alliance...But with a little gossiping queen like wonder...

Well... as I said earlier, I will not stoop to name calling. I respect all, even my enemy.... and for that I will not start calling people names. But I do wonder if all these rants of yours are some way of you compensating for other areas that you may be lacking in. Those that do not have confidence in themselves usually get a thrill putting down others in attempts to bring them down.

I am having a great time in this game and that is it. And if I am destroyed by AT, more power to you. I will start up in the next new world. I just hope that my great alliance will come with me.

Whoa!! Illuminati!!
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Lol...remember you started the gossiping little queen bee...not me...remember you talked about having spies little queen, not me...Remember you did gossip about me, not the other way around, little queen...So again, useless leader with no dignity and losing, can only gossip...thats what you came in here doing expecting to have a good laugh..Well, i am having one good laugh about you since it shows to everyone you are spineless and, a little queen...Sorry for calling you little queen...Miss Blizzack


Lol...remember you started the gossiping little queen bee...not me...remember you talked about having spies little queen, not me...Remember you did gossip about me, not the other way around, little queen...So again, useless leader with no dignity and losing, can only gossip...thats what you came in here doing expecting to have a good laugh..Well, i am having one good laugh about you since it shows to everyone you are spineless and, a little queen...Sorry for calling you little queen...Miss Blizzack

I think I proved my point.


Oh yes you did ! We all now can see how desperate you should start right away in a new World Blizzack and just stay quiet...and be leadership role for now....learn the game, try to attack sometimes, there is more than turtles in Grepo...and then, maybe then, when you reach, lets say, top100, you can start bragging and gossiping again...And try to win with no spies know, like a real player ? Can you ?? Really, can you ?


martin, don't forget your manners. Address the queen by "your majesty" and after you say that once, you can reference her by Ma'am. lol. After addressing her as "Your Majesty" once, it is correct to address the Queen of the United Kingdom as "Ma'am"
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Where did everybody go?? Must be too busy taking care of all those internals...

Hopefully somebody big like Apartheidcheetos will go inactive, so we can gobble some cities up and get even closer.


Where did everybody go?? Must be too busy taking care of all those internals...

Hopefully somebody big like Apartheidcheetos will go inactive, so we can gobble some cities up and get even closer.

Well, if you're hungry Grepo, there's some nice LS fleets you can eat. Martin regularly stores 200 + LS at Tarentum, 160+ LS at Salona, 130 + at Olympus, 220 + at Eriador, 250 + at Pergamum, and 260 + at Heliopolis. He used to have another 240 + LS at Patras, but they haven't been seen in harbour recently.



Wow...Thank you we all know i am offense...Tell Flak Azure i will sink his LS again tonight...And maybe yours since we are talking about it...And please, stop the spells...must be Blizzack tactics because only little girls play that way....Oh also ! I have to say i love having you for a cheerleader Brownwhatever...
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While Martin is on here worrying about the #8 alliance. Atomic has taken a 2.7 plus million lead over AT. Largest gap so far between first and second place in Dyme. If you count Atomic's sister alliance, they are now 5 million points ahead of second place. Atomic seems to have the mojo. Sorry AT :(