Doing the top 13 just to include my little alliance
Rank Alliance points members Avg
1 *Black Angels* 53854 108 499
MRA...Most likely at least, BP isn't even gone yet but that is my impression.
Never heard of any of their players, and they like to display their pacts.
2 Myriad 50527 90 561
Definitely some good players in here, but need to pick up their average, I expect
that they will probably kick the dead weight in a week or so.
3 Val Di Compare 46808 70 669
Never heard of any of the players, but they seem to have a decent point avg
They will probably have a good go at this world, but hey who knows.
4 -Anonymous-HACK- 44401 108 411
They will probably last a while just because of sheer numbers and beginners determination
but they will eventually get wrecked by stronger alliances.
5 Superium Legacy 42718 51 838
Very good team of players, They manage to have almost the same amount of points
as anonymous hack but half the players, and double the average.
Most definitely going to be a superpower in Ithaca with the way they're headed.
6 IMMORTALS 41325 80 517
There will always be immortals...On every world.
We'll put their name to the test.
7 BIOHAZARD 38782 98 396
Doomed to fail. Have 3 on my island already, hope the make good farms once BP is up
8 Nike 37189 60 620
So every new 2.0 world that comes out, there has to be a NIke. And I always happen
to end up being an alliance that allies with them -.-
Hopefully we drop the pact soon and get to the fighting.
9 Deus ex Birema 31284 33 948
Definitely a strong alliance, good average, but they already show signs of players with two accounts..
not a good sign. But that is probably just a small bump in the road of Ithaca
10 Dark Fleet Elite 28894 76 380
11 Republica 28035 53 529
Apparently they came from delta to rule this world...haha, Good luck with that one Republica.
12 Inglorious Basterds 25512 56 456
If you can't even spell your name correctly you should just quit right now.
I feel sorry for the players who probably have to endure they messages.
13 Blood Thirst 23284 34 714
My own alliance, I think we're doing pretty well for ourselves, hopefully we maintain
a small core group alliance and don't pick up new members too fast.
Decent average, probably going to pick up in a couple days
This is my opinion, not that of Blood Thirst or any other alliance.