Top 12 Alliances

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well The empire is merging into us an we arent an mra.just not like black angles

Didn't mean to offended there I did think you had a good group there and like I stated you will trim where trimming needs to be done.


I'm taking a stab at the top 5, but I'm doing it on the top 5 alliance's leaders. So here we go.
*Black Angels*-Leader-Nikos.1998-Most points he has ever acheived is 3000. Unless there is an experienced leader here, they don't stand a chance. Not here in a month.
Myriad-Leader-ScotzMan-There are other leaders here, but he is the most impressive to me. Obviously skilled, but I don't see them at the top. Probably #3 in a month
Val Di Compare-Leader-ShadowMelik and Oikos72-Both are very good leaders. If they trim the fat I see them at number 4 in a month.
-Anonymous-HACK-Leader--Greek Warrior-His best is 800 points. Not here in a month.
Superium Legacy-Leader-ray93-I see some promise in these guys. I am sceptical and have them as 5th in a month


Doing the top 13 just to include my little alliance :)

Rank Alliance points members Avg
1 *Black Angels* 53854 108 499
MRA...Most likely at least, BP isn't even gone yet but that is my impression.
Never heard of any of their players, and they like to display their pacts.

2 Myriad 50527 90 561
Definitely some good players in here, but need to pick up their average, I expect
that they will probably kick the dead weight in a week or so.

3 Val Di Compare 46808 70 669
Never heard of any of the players, but they seem to have a decent point avg
They will probably have a good go at this world, but hey who knows.

4 -Anonymous-HACK- 44401 108 411
They will probably last a while just because of sheer numbers and beginners determination
but they will eventually get wrecked by stronger alliances.

5 Superium Legacy 42718 51 838
Very good team of players, They manage to have almost the same amount of points
as anonymous hack but half the players, and double the average.
Most definitely going to be a superpower in Ithaca with the way they're headed.

6 IMMORTALS 41325 80 517
There will always be immortals...On every world.
We'll put their name to the test.

7 BIOHAZARD 38782 98 396
Doomed to fail. Have 3 on my island already, hope the make good farms once BP is up

8 Nike 37189 60 620
So every new 2.0 world that comes out, there has to be a NIke. And I always happen
to end up being an alliance that allies with them -.-
Hopefully we drop the pact soon and get to the fighting.

9 Deus ex Birema 31284 33 948
Definitely a strong alliance, good average, but they already show signs of players with two accounts..
not a good sign. But that is probably just a small bump in the road of Ithaca

10 Dark Fleet Elite 28894 76 380

11 Republica 28035 53 529
Apparently they came from delta to rule this world...haha, Good luck with that one Republica.

12 Inglorious Basterds 25512 56 456
If you can't even spell your name correctly you should just quit right now.
I feel sorry for the players who probably have to endure they messages.

13 Blood Thirst 23284 34 714
My own alliance, I think we're doing pretty well for ourselves, hopefully we maintain
a small core group alliance and don't pick up new members too fast.
Decent average, probably going to pick up in a couple days

This is my opinion, not that of Blood Thirst or any other alliance.


Its pretty hard to predict a month from now top 5, But I think these 3 alliances will definetly be in top 5.

Possibly Deus ex Birema just hitting rank 4-5, Val Di Compare hitting rank 2-3 and Superium Legacy hitting the rank 1 spot.

This is a prediction

- Superium Legacy

- Val Di Compare

- Deus ex Birema
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Bloodthirst have some competition with Nike first, Basically if a merge happened between both alliance and a good Trim was made, just for the O44 then perhaps you can get something going.

But in a month, I cant see the Bloodthirst up there.


To set the record straight, we, Nike, has only been on two worlds. To address the member of an alliance that we are in a pact with, it seems for you to bash us in a public forum is a little out of control in my eyes. You should follow your leaders lead, if we were that bad i doubt he would have entered into a pact with us. Sorry you don't see it that way maybe that is why your not the leader of an alliance.

crambone Nike


black nights beware i am coming for you!!!
let the war begin


1. *Black Angels*- Got somethin' up my sleeve for them.
2. Myriad- Read they were from Lambdo somewhere....? Normally I'd call them a MRA but since I'm not sure about the whole Lambda thing I'll let it slide :)
3. Val di Compare- I spot a few worth while players in there while and one of my friends. Might amount to something. They're doing a good job recruiting pretty much only in o55.
4. -Anonymous-HACK-- Look like even a worse MRA then BA but they snagged a couple of good players and a guy I know. Pacted with *BA* At the rate I'm spotting my friends in rosters I could have a spy network :)
5. Superium Legacy- One of the best alliances up there in the top 12. These guys are good. ray93 was part of 2Good4U on one world if I remember right. Good old 2Good4U. Consisted mainly of Kurb, Enfo, ray and some other guys. Can't remember of muttzy was with them on that world or not.
6.IMMORTALS- Don't know much about them except the fact they look like an average alliance. Think they'll fall in rank but at least stay in the top 12 for a little while. Got one friend in here who's an average player.
7.BIOHAZARD- Worst average MRA pacted with *BA*. I feel ashamed to have a friend in this alliance.
8. Nike- Good players. I've got plenty of friends in Nike and even a respected enemy. Ruling ocean 44 (No surprise.) and they should start rising higher in the ranks during conquest season.
9. Deus ex Birema- Looking at their roster it's official. Anyone in ocean 55 is screwed over. These guys aren't going to fall in rank that's for sure. Well start off with a short bio on the first guy you see in the rankings cyprus64. cyprus was probably the best non-premium player on Psi for a while. He was in ocean 55 and was like a machine. He conquered cities this way and that way and was in The Indomadble Gauls. They were the top guys for a while and when they fell of their mighty throne cyprus joined the next best alliance, Rim Express. I think he quit right before Rim Express started its decline. There's your little history lesson for the day.
10. Dark Fleet Elite- On top of 56 for the moment not much competetion besides Anonymous.
11. & 12. - Who the heck are these guys?


anyone besides crambone in Nike??? Cram did you tell your whole alliance not to answer questions????:p

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
There really isn't anything to be gained by arguing on the forum. They could very well have decided to let every say w.e they want about them on the forum and they will do their talking via actions ingame.


Congratulations, by the way, on first alliance to 1k average, Baudin.


There really isn't anything to be gained by arguing on the forum. They could very well have decided to let every say w.e they want about them on the forum and they will do their talking via actions ingame.

Well said
Maybe our members don't feel the need to involve themselves in mindless banter
I was just simply clearing the air about the accusations said about us
Also I am sorry Austrailian Army that we don't want you to post things that should remain inside an alliance on public forums

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
Congratulations, by the way, on first alliance to 1k average, Baudin.

Not really due to anything special on my part, though I'd love to take credit. Our members are highly active and they know what they are doing so they have pushed us over the 1k mark. Also the leadership inviting only solid players helps.