After pola bears and winterstyx fell apart it was 80% chance BE will win.
It was just routine after that.
Phoenix managed to stabilize in 034, but BE took o54 way to easily...
What was needed to defeat be at that point was coallition of phoenix, ilu, rt and wd.
Then It wouuld have been fair or good fight.
But, Acidus and rt wanted to play neutral all the time, dazz was completly unable to listen to reason (and Beserko let dazz decide for some reason). WD were WD.
An for BE it was routine.
When i look back first idea that comes to my mind is that this world has very poor alliance leaders.
Most of them were completly inadequat for situation.
The fact that someone has opinion and yells it out loud doesnt mean that he knows what is he talking about
BE had good politics, good players and good leadership.
Thats why they have won.
Only stain (at least for me) is that there is little to many spies, traitors and guys who destroyed their own alliances in BE, but i guess its part of the game.
All in all it was good job by BE leadership.
They controlled most of the game for most of the time.