Something i read once...
"Standing right next to the sore loser complaining about how they lost, is the sore winner gloating and rubbing it in, both are a pain in the butt. Me, Im one of the most competitive people around, I dont mind losing, but I prefer winning, for me the joy is in trying"....
Congrats to Hert, as ive said before, when it came to the crunch they responded. EBC did a brilliant job in the wonder stage early on, Hert responded, yes they had the numbers, but they also showed great commitment and teamwork.
Dissapointed? Not really, we always knew EBC only had a slim shot at winning, realistically we should have prevented Hert getting all seven, but everyone makes mistakes and the key to anything in life is learning from those mistakes and not making them again. every player on this server, whether they won or lost will go into the next server a better player. The only thing im really dissapointed about is that we didnt make a serious attempt on breaking a Hert wonder. Its a war game, that should have been a given.
We can and moan and find reasons for why we lost, or we can and moan and find reasons why Hert won. Hert can win with class and respect for their opponents or they can and ridicule. What choice they make determines not how good they are as players, but how good they are as people.
Im happy with the way I played, and im especially happy with the way my original guys at AG played. Came into the world with 20, many with very little experience, and grew, taking on many players playing the game for the first time. Took on alliances bigger than us from the start, and our city losses v city takes is possibly the best ratio on the server. I lost one city, and that was a mushroom deap in enemy territory that was reclaimed a month later, some of our players didnt lose a single city. We made our allies with Photek and Isolde/Mal in the first few weeks, never broke a promise, always kept our word, played true, clean and fair through the entire server, whatever others may think.