Pact foos
War Antigone guard I'm comin for yo city's dimmy boi
Disband hero nation
:0 Well thats not nice. Better get me walls up to Level 3 and recruit some of them there chariots.
Dark angels
Death plague
Well thats a bum draw. At least two of those are allied to TS as far as I know so this is a bit of a no win. But if I wasnt me, and was talking about it purely from a random point of view.
LOC - War: Purely on the basis that they have slightly higher DBP so they may have been weakened. That said, with only 60 members they are likely the most organised of the three, so war might be a really really dumb move.
Death Plague: Ally: Only because if i was really dumb enough to go to war with LOC Id need help and DP are fairly close to them geographically.
Dark Angels: Disband: For no other reason than process of elimination.
But frankly, that choice was just mean
The Saints
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