An Experiment


When Calydon was first announced i was over the moon, the settings where almost identical to Kappa (a world i hold dear to my heartt) and i was definitely joining it. I started alone in the core and after grouping with some familiar faces and a bunch of new people we quickly established a small alliance of 9 people. to cut to the chase, this alliance ran out of steam and we decided to merge with a larger alliance.

Initally this was a great move and we flourished as Members of 'The Merchants', Eventually though the core became too stale for my liking and i made the decision to restart on the rim.

The Expirement

-To see if it is possible for a rim alliance to successfully compete in today's Grepolis Environment (without merging into larger alliances)
- Is this possible for new players?


First of all i restarted with 2 of the members from my original alliance and convinced some friends of mine to join also


one of the first things we noticed, No one else seemed to be joining the 'rim'. There was literally no one to the east of us and to the west... an alliance with 5,000,000 points.

We grew slowly but surely taking whatever pitiful city we could (largest city we ever took in our ocean was 8k) and the rest of the cities we took and built up (2k+)

When we first exchanged blows with our nearest enemy the difference between our alliances was something silly like

Philosoraptors - 140k
Zombies- 5,500,000 +

Now there was no chance we would ever be able to take and hold a city against this enemy, they had players with more cities and points than we did as an alliance combined, So we continued to just snipe their attempts and mind our own business, taking whatever cities we could, playing smart and never losing heart.

This is approximately 1 month later


As you can see, we slowly started to build our own ocean up and establish an alliance stronghold. Along the way we recruited 2-3 brand new players to Grepolis and showed them the ropes rather than just take their single city. Our philosophy was 'A trained player is better than a single city'. This has payed off incredibly but we will touch on that later.

As alliances grew stronger and warred one another, as alliances formed/disbanded/reformed we plodded along slowly but surely gaining a bit of momentum, A month later and our enemy had disbanded and regrouped into the alliance that would be our main enemy for the foreseeable future

As you can see in the picture below, there are still no players joining in our direction (we are the yellow alliance 'Philosoraptors') And this continued to stunt our growth both in terms of targets and recruits


I talked briefly about recruiting brand new players to the game and showing them how to play, This in my opinion has been our biggest triumph as an alliance. Not only did we have new blood in the game and enjoying it, they were hungry and eager to learn. after weeks of noob questions, learning the game and trial and error, our new players started shining and become invaluable members of the alliance. Would they have stayed in the game if they we hadn't taken them in and taught them how to play? would they have restarted and come for round two if they were rimmed?


they have told me personally that they would not have continued playing. They would have quit the world and possibly the game. Not because they got beaten but because the thought of restarting next to an alliance that is already established was not appealing, why would a new player who still is unsure about how to play the game, want to get steamrolled after weeks of hard work?

The shift in power for our little rim alliance came towards Christmas, Our enemy lost some of their heavy hitters while we continued strong with our experienced players and our newly trained fighters ready to rock


As always we are the yellow alliance located to the far right of the world

So after a few months, sleepless nights and endless frustration we are here... at the conclusion of my expirement, you may not like what i have to say


-To see if it is possible for a rim alliance to successfully compete in today's Grepolis Environment (without merging into larger alliances)

yes, perfectly possible. My alliance 'Philosoraptors' are currently #11 in Calydon. However it isn't that simple

we had experienced players
we had player made guides
We had in depth alliance forums with easy to follow formats
we ran ops to practice our members
we recruited people and taught them how to play
we had skype
we had determination

Basically we opened a rim alliance with 'pre-made alliance' resources and references at hand.

- Is this possible for new players?

No, absolutely not. The way the game is played now new players simply do not stand a chance

We annihilated everything in our path in our ocean with ease because our opponents simply had no idea how to play, The few we recruited showed a keen interest to play and promised activity. A noob alliance starting in a Grepolis server where the immediate enemy is several hundred times larger then they are, A noob alliance starting in a Grepolis server where the immediate enemy know how to play....will simply fail and on most occasions quit

How do we fix this?

-We change our attitudes to 'noobs' and give them a chance to learn the game, then we can make decisions about whether they are worthy to play or not.
-We drop our elitist attitude and take a chance on a player who just needs guidance
- We stop our game going stale and boring by breaking habits and taking risks.

After all, if we surround ourselves with people who make us enjoy ourselves in the game, rather than simply 'sticking with the best' so that we 'succeed', surely we all walk away winners right?

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with this experimental alliance (who by the way, had no idea they were part of my experiment) and while we are far from the best alliance out there, we have so much fun that i enjoy playing Grepolis again. So i thank all my members (experienced and new) for everything :)

and here is our little family of noobs today


Take a chance on a noob, save our game. who knows... you may even find the next Grepolis great

Thanks for reading (sorry for the grammar) Fotns
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Well this noob for one would like to thank you for the tutoring and the fun times ;)


I am happy that you convinced me to start playing again. I quit the game about a year ago because it had become boring and all the worlds were ruled by pre-mades; so when you asked me to join you in this small alliance on the rim of a somewhat matured world I was sceptical to say the least. I expected to last a few weeks before zombies would take all of our little cities because we definitely had big mouths for the tiny alliance we were :p
I am glad we didn't though. Some of our top members are completely new to the game and I am happy about us as an alliance, in fact, I am enjoying the game again :)


agree 100% (y) raptors has been good fun, nothing quite like stomping alliances who expect to walk right over you :D

project venom did roughly the same thing, although started with a lot more experienced players, but recruiting noobs is what was always led to their success mostly (some of the 'noobs' we recruited, like milos, turned out to be far better than the vast majority of 'experienced' players)

philosoraptors for life, yo


I am enjoying my time here. I was scared of the conquest system after playing a speed 3 conquest for my first attempt. Never sleeping more than 4 hrs at a time was draining to say the least.
After leaving that world I had no intentions of ever attempting it again, then FotNS and Skully told me they had a rim alliance I could learn and practice in while retaining some form of sleep schedule.
It has helped a lot, now I am even considering trying a conquest world long term for my next world.


Sounds like you had fun!

I could have saved you the trouble alliance in Beta, Controlled Burn, started on the rim in O51, 8 months into when Beta world had begun. None of us knew how to play. We learned the game and then started dominating our areas. Then we fought our way into the core.

And FWIW, I agree completely...a well-trained player is worth far more than a city anyday.


Sounds like you had fun!

I could have saved you the trouble alliance in Beta, Controlled Burn, started on the rim in O51, 8 months into when Beta world had begun. None of us knew how to play. We learned the game and then started dominating our areas. Then we fought our way into the core.

And FWIW, I agree completely...a well-trained player is worth far more than a city anyday.

The earlier worlds don't quite count, we were all new to the game back then, my experiment is based on today's grepo. Thanks though


I heard intel from the inside that this 'Shanara' girl is a noob.


Nice work mate! I have to agree, noobs have like zero chance if they are up against veteran players on the rim. The only way they can survive is to spawn where there are no vets :p