first off: excelllent responses everyone, thank you. I am too used to having to deal with Achilles' ego in this worlds forums.
second: "Fled" was mainly for "dramatic effect", but some did actually flee to TS. I write long novel-like posts anyway, so no one wants me to list the actions and supposed motives of every person I mentioned. And yes, Ausrit, I knew you did not flee after you left ...the Horde wasn't it?
third: TS and Midgard were never pacted. We had a NAP for a week at most, and just to buy us some time, which everyone knew they would not keep...and they didn't LOL
fourth: Ausrit was correct on how bad the forums were in Olympus...way too much fighting...and yes, many pre-teen founder's egos! It didn't help that Dark Angels stood apart and acted suspicious all the time, as well as the fact that their founder doesn't speak english well, which confused many. X666X (FEE) did act exactly like an 8 year old with temper tantrums and the like, and I called him on it. As he continued his personal tirades and demanding "I want candy now!" (that's a joke), the rest of the alliances wanted him out, and since FEE didn't kick him out of their alliance/form a new alliance, Olympus kicked FEE out and went to war. DA just caused problems all the time in the forums and constantly accusing everyone of attacking their cities, and did not help anyone in Ops. My opinion: DA not to be trusted.
fifth: gs, you did an awesome job of kicking our butts! You knew we wouldn't get help from anyone else, because they were so afraid of TS. Kudos to the max, dude!
On some other world,
I WANNA be in your alliance!...You ROCK! Like mr.Zero, I can appreciated a game "well played", and gs did and does.
sixth: Olympus wasn't necessarily doomed from the start, but egos did get in the way and made us ineffective. Our combined might, if working together as a unified front (which is what Sparty and I were trying to do), could have taken out TS in two weeks. gs knew this and he also knew that we wouldn't be able to work together effectively to do this, at least by the time we failed in taking out LOC quickly. He was correct again.
seventh: Spreading to other oceans...from a certain point of view. While we did not personally expand into other oceans more than just a few cities, we did take-in refugees and mergers from other alliances in other oceans. So on the maps, it would look like we were expanding into other oceans. This was planned that way to make ourselves look bigger than we actually were; and we knew it was a risk.
This leads to my last point,
eighth: Ausrit is not the only one to have the impression that Midgard received/relyed on a lot of support. That is an idea we cultured to dissuade others from attacking us. The truth is, until we went to war with LOC, Midgard had not received any help from anyone, ever. Even with LOC, the help was minimal. It was mainly FEE, DA, and Midgard separately working on a war with the same alliance. We knew we weren't getting any help from anyone, and we worked constantly on a way to change that. gs knew that by the time he Challenged us to remove him from our city. At that time, we had barely over two dozen players with CS, and little more than a dozen players with Conquest. And most of them "Fled" Midgard's sinking ship soon after we couldn't remove gs from our island. "fled"...well, what else would you call it? A "strategic transfer"? Thanatos was just the first. Hey, the guy actually "whined" in all-caps about losing 200 troops in our very first OP. Sheesh, what a "cooperative" attitude. LOL (sarcasm intended) I wouldn't let the guy into a future alliance if he brought me a crown. NOT a team player, but he was one of our early point leaders, so we kept him.
So apparently, Midgard was more "show than go" but I learned alot imo, and it was not a bad alliance, just a weak one. Leadership spent alotta time on training first timers, who ended up quitting anyway when the going got hard.
"lesson learned" (inserted checkmark here).
Midgard did far more than an MRA due to Leaderships' efforts, but the alliance membership itself was, essentially an MRA.