Anyone want a laugh?


So since I ghosted I've been logging on once in a while to build this little city up just incase I fancied harrassing some old friends

So the city as it stands is now a mere 1304points. Lets be honest a monkey could conquer this. Considering I have no navy either

Well yesterday i thought well thats it ill have to start again as I signed in and saw the city in revolt and an attack incoming!

Well on further inspection I noticed the revolt wasnt due to start until about 2am game time. Unfortunately for the guy he had sent his CS to land about an hour early... strange I thought I must be imagining things and assumed I would be conquered, wasnt really bothered anyway i know nobody in oc57!

Well check this out...

Sorry you will have to copy and paste these into your in-game bar as I dont know how to imbed.

First attack

Revolt attack


Strangely enough echo charlie then decided to support me with 25 bireme. Strange I thought

Oh another attack! Lulz


Finally withdrew his bireme!

Well as it stands i now have an incoming CS set to land at 20:25 game time...what I am sure he now doesnt realize is that his revolt period has nearly ran out... if anyone wants loads of BPs from this then send some bireme my way... rofl


*shake my head* maybe the core alliances should stop fighting among themselves and look to have fun expanding to the core by taking down the noobs :p Although I have seen Bones and Skulls do good damage to RO, they definitely have a lot of good players... but yea, you'll find such pieces of art in all rim alliances :p

By the way, there is no way to embed reports in the forum. You'll have to do the hard work of uploading the images and then embedding the images here.