

Sigh! My application got rejected..... again.

Looks like I still need 9 months of age experience to level up from 17 to 18 XD


I was going to say that ex mods are the coolest, but due to recent mod-leavings I'm going to have to swallow that back.


You could say veteren ex-mods are the coolest.
Stripling ex-mods just need a cooling off period.



About what kind of mod is the coolest:

In my opinion they are both cool for several reasons. Both are needed to maintain order in the community.
Depending on your interests you'll go for forum moderator or ingame moderator. If you really like the game and know everything about it, and you have a sometimes 'harsh' attitude you'll probably go for ingame moderator.

If you love talking to people and love reading stories you'll be most likely to go for forum moderator.

Anyway, don't give up Varun. Wait until you reached the age limit, and then apply again and again. Each time improving your app. ;)
It took me 6 applications before I got accepted. And I got accepted 2 weeks before my birthday. (best birthday present ever


6 applications??

I heard Mako just went, 'guys, you know the score, I'm your man' and he was instantly a mod


i won't be so sure, not all annoyed people quit.
Am I allowed to lol at that?

Its the ones who say they are going to quit but don't. They shout it and scream it. And then a month later you think.....but you were going to quit! You promised! :(


Am I allowed to lol at that?

Its the ones who say they are going to quit but don't. They shout it and scream it. And then a month later you think.....but you were going to quit! You promised! :(
You, can LOL, but don't be too loud.

BUT not everyone says that even after getting annoyed, take me for example. I will rather stay and annoy my enemies...

And then, anyone can say something, or be manipulated to say something. It doesn't mean that they actually mean it. for example, you lol'ed, not sure if you meant :p (thats why i asked you not be loud, now everone knows :()