Careful Reimu...youre still in NERO bc of me....and you know what I know because I helped initiate it otherwise you would have been internalized after VM was up. Reality is you are an absolute champ when it comes to playing grepolis... incredible actually. I get that and so do others here...we all lose interest in one way or another and often times cut back. As far as this mess about you using discord on one world to benefit another... I can only go off of what others say. And before anyone accuses another person erroneously..... normally they have proof bc it jeopardizes their own name. Im not playing samos and dont really care about another world but I care about character. From my understanding theres quite a bit of evidence that supports what was said about using nero discord.
The only ones that look bad from all of this is Kleos, and particularly you and Achilles from what happened and has since been said here. so i'd say that YOU should be the careful one and if you know so little about it all like you say you do then maybe it would have been best to keep your mouth shut in the first place. Generally where there is smoke there is fire and lets just say that this wouldn't be the first time and definitely wont be the last time that some members of Kleos have pulled such a stunt just to either promote their mates or take revenge on a player that either got the better of them in another world or they have history with.
So my advice for you
@chilio would be to bite your tongue, be CAREFUL yourself and after darth and reimu kind of wrapped things up you could have even just left it there. Or did you feel you had to go and kiss a certain leaders butt even more to maybe get a spot in the alliance in future worlds seeing as you actually did less than reimu and many others here and could/should have been kicked ages ago if what darth and the reasons for remaining in the alliance actually hold. BE CAREFUL CHILIO!!!