Biggest MRA


Okay folks, time to vote. Who’s the biggest MRA in your opinion?

1) Order 66: This alliance came in day one not knowing what they were doing. Before bp ended they were at 2 alliances. Afterwards they dropped to one alliance, fell apart, and came back strong with the recruiting and are back at it with 3 alliances. Their leaders claim they know what they’re doing.. but do they. Now I know what you’re thinking, 3 alliances? Clearly the winner.. right? Let’s look at the other options before jumping to a conclusion.

2) I have to give this spot to Spartan. No disrespect to T Y R at all. I’ve had a few conversations with him and he seems like a good person. I understand (to a point) why they have so many members. You take out an alliance, some join you and you move on. The only problem is they clearly have a lot of simmers hiding in plain site. If t y r cut his numbers down I think he would be (more) well respected

3) And now.. what you all been waiting for...

*clears throat*

Coming in at number three...

*drum roll*

you guessed it! Bloods!

“Wooh Chuckey settle down they’re a premade “
Yes indeed they’re a premade, but they been recruiting anyone who asks to join. If you been watching their roster, they clearly have gold farmers hiding for protection, summers, and just some very bad players. Now.. I’m not saying bloods is a bad alliance.. but.. if you take out 4-6 players they’re mediocre at best. I think order 66 would have a good chance at taking them out.

Now it’s your time audience. Vote!


Democracy is the most efficient way to run an alliance. That's why MRA's have so many players. So, they can effectively represent the will of the people.

(screen shot before the agents of the empire delete this)

(futbol tango has hacked me. Help!)


Honestly not a big fan of WiB in general, but having 2 branches early on isnt too bad. Also, if no one took in new players in the so called "Elite Alliances", Grepo wouldve been way more dead than it is now.


Proof that the pen is mightier than the sword plus we are merciful :)


Honestly not a big fan of WiB in general, but having 2 branches early on isnt too bad. Also, if no one took in new players in the so called "Elite Alliances", Grepo wouldve been way more dead than it is now.

Nothing wrong with 2 branches coming into the server. Recruiting anyone who asks to join just because they're in your location is a no go for me dawg



Nothing wrong with 2 branches coming into the server. Recruiting anyone who asks to join just because they're in your location is a no go for me dawg

Lol and so it begins ,,, Rumors , Hear say and BS..

The amount of players we have turned down we would be on our way to a third branch .( Before people jump in , not happening)
Alot of those players we turned down are now in other alliances funny how they never get accused of the same thing


i Dont think it matters in the end if you have 2 Alliances or 40 if their not good nothing will help. its very Hard to Organize so many players a lot of mistakes happen VICTRIX looks to be a strong alliance and im not sure even with 2 Alliances bloods can beat them but we will see its still early many alliances will rise and fall

All the best to everyone


Sorry I take this back. Vic has had 2 mergers so far and they're napped with an alliance with 3 branchers.


My opinion on vix
Honestly I think merging with Spartan’s best players was a great move, giving them control of 44 and now they can move in 55 against EA and TPC, if they win that war, then it’s an easy win for them. Just my two cents