Discussion Biremes vs. Triremes


In your opinion, which is better: biremes or triremes?
Please explain.
At this point I only can build biremes, but I wonder should I even spend Research Points to build triremes.


Biremes are better for defense but Triremes have some offensive capabilities so are more versatile, so it depends on your playstyle. Some people use triremes in conquest worlds to protect their siege from a snipe but the majority rely on good timing instead of using the suboptimal triremes. Biremes are the best defensive ship (defense value per population) so they're generally used for the sake of efficiency and players use Light Ships (best attack value per population) for any attacking instead of the more versatile, yet less efficient, Triremes.


If they're being used solely for defence, use Biremes.

If there's the possibility of being used in offence situations too, consider Triremes. The only real situation this is relevant to is CS cities on Conquest worlds. Triremes are useful here because they have moderate strength for attacking and defending, meaning they can both guide your CS in through any defences, but also defend it from any close attempts at sniping by the defender. As Asth mentioned already, though, it is more common to just rely on well-timed support waves to protect your CS, with LS to get it safely in.


To give a short answer-

If you're playing a revolt world- Don't ever get tiremes.
If you're playing a conquest world- I wouldn't get tiremes, but they do work when sent with a CS... SO its up to you. If you think your timing it good, then no need as you'll be able to get the bireme support in a few seconds after the CS. :)