BP for Farms?


I am curious as to everyone's thoughts on using your BP for obtaining and leveling island farms?

I personally hate it, since I've always been one who only had one city on an island in an effort to maximize my farming for resources capabilities. I do like that what I do only affects me, so I'm no longer doing all the heavy lifting and everyone else on the island benefits from my leveling the farms. However, I'll admit, it was rather nice to land on an island and see the farms already to level 5 or 6!

Curious what the vote of the players would be...

so far:
1 Against it
0 For it


I don't see the problem with it. Troops = resources + time = BP. The outcome is probably more or less the same. The only real difference is psychological to me : Troops only represent virtual BPs, so we're okay to lose it, when paying BPs seems like wasting a good effort and fight. Same for resources used to level them up. But in the end, no difference.
I agree with you, it's very cool that everyone has his own farming village without sharing their level with the rest of the island. It means that more is used within an alliance though (or maybe actually not, I haven't made the math).

I'm not for it nor against it, because I like both systems.

I'd be curious to know more opinions

Edit : Actually, after second thought, I have a tendency to be for BP farm system. As I said there is a psychological difference, which encourages players to get BPs, hence fighting other players and get nice farming villages as a reward. Simming is often more rewarding than fighting, and it's good to have some incentives to do otherwise.
1 Against it
1 For it
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Bandit camps give you the BP you lose, and it is not like your culture cap is affected by it. You don't even need to recruit thr troops to get the BP as they all come from the bandit camps too. Before they existed, getting BP in protection periods was much harder. If you haven't captured and levelled all your farms by the end of BP, you are simming your account. Farms become less relevant with multiple cities if you use your troops properly.


Having to use BPs for farms encourages fighting, especially once the bandit camp is gone. So I like the change - I didn't always feel that way.


Not a fan.

Personally i believe it is to encourage more gold spending on Olympic games for CP early in the game.

To be fair i haven't played a "bandit camp" world into the later stages yet so i couldn't talk about the impact further on. Here in Dion, with slow build times for troops, only heavy gold users will be able to sustain an ongoing effort of constant BP farming; I think anything that drains your BP away from new city slots will have an impact on the regular players gaming style (e.g. those who can't just click on instant complete for troop builds all the time).

Personally I believe culture points should be the only thing in the game that battle points are a currency for.


Gompus Rompus

Not a fan. I like that you don't have to conquer the farms as before, but hate to use my precious battle points for it.
I think this is Inno's plan to make us use more gold on Olympic Games, and I hate that.
This game is all about the money now, events every month, instabuy to gold in troops, 4 x battle points helms for the golders, sickly expensive warpath package, all this stuff is ruining a good game.


Not a fan. I like that you don't have to conquer the farms as before, but hate to use my precious battle points for it.
I think this is Inno's plan to make us use more gold on Olympic Games, and I hate that.
This game is all about the money now, events every month, instabuy to gold in troops, 4 x battle points helms for the golders, sickly expensive warpath package, all this stuff is ruining a good game.

I get all of the land troops I need from island quests; I haven't built land troops since before the NY Peace Time. In fact, I've had to buy the extra 10 slots just to hold all of the crap that I get from island quests. I end up using the favor in the daily gift to build myths. The only thing I build a lot of is naval - no island quests for ships.

As far as gold sales, how do you propose to pay for the cost of running the game? Flat fee for everyone and no gold? There are alternative methods to pay for servers, engineers, etc. But there has to be a way to cover the cost of the game; Inno isn't going to do this for free.

Gompus Rompus

As far as gold sales, how do you propose to pay for the cost of running the game? Flat fee for everyone and no gold? There are alternative methods to pay for servers, engineers, etc. But there has to be a way to cover the cost of the game; Inno isn't going to do this for free.

I have never said it should be a free goldless world, but it's should be like earlier without the "pay to win stuff", I pay for my advisors, sometime I gold in a cs, and I use a bit on the events.
But unlike you, I don't think spending 1000 of dollars on a game just to win is right


I don't mind heavy golders. It gives a advantage sure, but you can always fight and survive. I was attacked often by a player who golded nukes until my city was empty (no matter how many DLU I started with), and it gave me a lot of BPs. Besides, sniping his CSs was still possible. Eventually I lost two cities to him, but earned 10 slots.

Besides, golders take many offers on the market, so they share their gold. Actually, the only big difference is that they have more slots faster and it's harder to take a city from them. When they're in different alliances, and it's the case for this world, I don't see the problem.

Lastly, I don't think that riotdog pays to win. I don't know how much he pays, but he is very very active, and it makes a big difference already. Now, if he pays, it's probably not to ensure the victory, it's simply not to wait. It's fun to have players who can gold in the alliance, and it will be interesting to have some enemies who gold as well. Knowing who golds and who doesn't is also part of the strategy. And even tough it makes the game a little unfair, they are other factors that make the game unfair, like the players abilities or locations. It's just war...


I have never said it should be a free goldless world, but it's should be like earlier without the "pay to win stuff", I pay for my advisors, sometime I gold in a cs, and I use a bit on the events.
But unlike you, I don't think spending 1000 of dollars on a game just to win is right

LOL! Nice job jumping the shark, Fonz. I can see having an intelligent conversation with you is a Sisyphean task. Do you always distort what others write, or is this a special event?

Without 'the pay to win stuff'? When I started playing, buying advisors was considered 'pay to win stuff'. Inno ran special events ever since I started playing ~8 years ago; I don't believe they've added too many events since then - can you specify new events?

No matter, I long for the days when even buying advisors was frowned upon. Those days are long gone but unlike some, I'm not going to blame every change in Grepolis on Inno's revenue model.

And yes, you definitely took this subject off topic.

King Soos

I dont know about you but i give up on building farms later on in the game most cities u will pick up will be 8k + which will need little work done also farming players on islands is a much more efficient way of gaining resources dont have to wait the down time to do it again


I dont know about you but i give up on building farms later on in the game most cities u will pick up will be 8k + which will need little work done also farming players on islands is a much more efficient way of gaining resources dont have to wait the down time to do it again

It depends on your style of play. I spend way too much time online so I'm used to doing 5 min demands early in the game (to the point where I'm no longer able to demand at the end of a day) and then will shift to 20 min demands when I reach a point where doing 5 min demands is impractical. I don't do Villagers Loyalty because I don't want to spend the research points and I tend to not build up my mine, timber camp, and quarry very high because I want to keep the extra pop.

If I could get myself to spend less time online, I'd favor other methods of getting resources.


after testing the theory I had at the top. I have 6x level 6 farms 2 days into beginner protection, the old system used to take 3 days at least to even get one lvl 6 farm. I have 11 harpies (all built from bandit rewards), and have enough free battle points left to be where I would be had this system not been in place. I think if it is utilised properly it actually reduces the gap between normal players and golders. Now a normal player can get out of BP with a large army, and more than one city (not sure if I approve of lvl 13 academy building CS though.... oh and my current boosted res production rate is 2.5k/hr at speed 1 lol The only major change I don't like in the BP period is not being able to complete the attack a player quest without breaking your own protection :( I used to be able to farm players whilst still in BP to get ahead.
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after testing the theory I had at the top. I have 6x level 6 farms 2 days into beginner protection, the old system used to take 3 days at least to even get one lvl 6 farm. I have 11 harpies (all built from bandit rewards), and have enough free battle points left to be where I would be had this system not been in place. I think if it is utilised properly it actually reduces the gap between normal players and golders. Now a normal player can get out of BP with a large army, and more than one city (not sure if I approve of lvl 13 academy building CS though.... oh and my current boosted res production rate is 2.5k/hr at speed 1 lol The only major change I don't like in the BP period is not being able to complete the attack a player quest without breaking your own protection :( I used to be able to farm players whilst still in BP to get ahead.

The system works fine for early game-growth in the first city during bp, the problem is after that; for every new city you conquer, you have to spend at least 700 bp just to get 6x level 3 farms. Whereas before you could use bp to climb the culture levels now you to waste around 3cp every time you conquer a new city. I must agree with others that the motivation for this change is solely to get players to spend on Olympic Games so they can maintain early growth when festivals are out of the question.


being someone that relies on farming players and ignores actual farms, I can't see that affecting me too much, but if it slows others down then that is good for me.


I've been out for a while sooo I have a question. I am coming up to the start of day 3 and have a CS on build (new colonisation requirements...) there are anchor points of real islands close to me, but I really don't want to research biremes in my first city, as I will just have to unresearch when the quest is complete, and can't send an unguarded CS to colony I don't think. Is it worth colonising a second city for siege defence purposes if you are not in an alliance and you are attacking players who are in alliances?


... I must agree with others that the motivation for this change is solely to get players to spend on Olympic Games so they can maintain early growth when festivals are out of the question.

Olympic Games require a lvl 30 academy, take 24 hrs to complete at speed 1, and only cost 50 gold. If Inno's desire was to maximize use of gold, there are other methods for that.


I think he is referring to people that still mass click OG with over 100 cities... You can burn your paycheck that way, qlander used to do that...