Breakthrough Attack?


Question.Can I use breakthrough attack when founding a city?You know,I send cs,transports,and maybe ls,so when they arrive,there is no deff troops,so I will not risk my units,and they will reach anchor point faster.


For FOUNDING a city there are NEVER defending troops. So it's not really useful to have breakthrough attack on that.

Are you sure you mean founding? Or do you mean conquering?


I was debating whether to research it for a city of mine, if the destruction of the land garrison is imperative at that moment and I don't have sufficient power to destroy the naval contingent. Obviously, the 50% combat penalty would be problematic and wouldn't be a useful way to capture a city. However, if it only applies if the original attack power is insufficient to destroy the naval defenses, it would be a bit more useful. If my landing force encounters a far larger fleet than I had prepared for, more transports will get through. If it encounters a far smaller one, it won't affect the naval outcome at all and will just convert into a normal attack.

Anyone know the answer to this?


I meant colonizing,other name founding a city.I thought in that case cs will reach anchor point faster needs 24 hrs,with breakthrough it will need only 12,but now I know that cs travels always the same time


Just to clarify, breakthrough attack doesn't make your ships travel any faster.


Originally Posted by Calloe
I was debating whether to research it for a city of mine, if the destruction of the land garrison is imperative at that moment and I don't have sufficient power to destroy the naval contingent. Obviously, the 50% combat penalty would be problematic and wouldn't be a useful way to capture a city. However, if it only applies if the original attack power is insufficient to destroy the naval defenses, it would be a bit more useful. If my landing force encounters a far larger fleet than I had prepared for, more transports will get through. If it encounters a far smaller one, it won't affect the naval outcome at all and will just convert into a normal attack.

Anyone know the answer to this?




it's a decision that you have to take yourself. It definitely has it uses, but it depends really on how far you're in your world and how your enemies are defending their cities. The whole point with researching it, is to reduce the risk of your land nukes not being useful. For that to be a problem in the first place your enemies need to either be bir sniping a lot or you're not good at timing your attacks (or in which order you attack). If it's the last one i suggest you first start working with basic attack tactics (ask someone experienced in your alliance).

anyway to sum up breakthrough quickly:
low amount of birs: breakthrough = bad (all transport ships gets through anyway)
Medium amount of birs: breakthrough = good (more transport ships get through than without breakthrough)
High amount of birs: doesn't matter what you use. nothing gets through anyway
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