Building Timer Colours


I don't know how others feel about this, but being an older person with poorish eye sight and the need of glasses, I have to say something.

It all has to do with timers.
The sever clock above the Advisors white numbers on a dark back ground works...
Attack, Live Feed, Trade Timers black numbers on an Eggs Shell coloured back ground works...
Building timer on a Lime Green progress bar with gold or yellow numbers DOES NOT WORK.... For us poor sighted, those times are hard to see unless we magnify the screen by 125 to 150% to be able to see it clearly.
So how about changing those gold/yellow numbers to a dark blue or change the Lime Green bar to a dark blue so we can see the timer clearly, just like you have the bar with for an amount of gold needed to instantly complete. Now that we can see very clearly. Thanks.

P.S. I play on a Conquest system world
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