Byllis - Wars
I couldn't find a clear overview on the current wars in Byllis, so I thought I'd create one using the forums community to complete/update it. I'll try to update this thread at least once a week.
Active wars:
- Mercenaries, Mercenaries II and MERCS III vs. Argonauts Ocean 43 & 44
- East Hampton Yacht Club vs. New Order Ocean 53
- WARLORDS vs. The Assassins Ocean 55
Previous wars:
Won / Draw / Lost
- SPARTAN MORGAN vs. The Renegades Ocean 44 Draw
- Mercenaries, Mercenaries II and MERCS III vs. Reformed Law Ocean 54 Draw
Most members from Reformed Law merged into WARLORDS A
- The Assassins vs. Reformed Law Ocean 54 Draw
Most members from Reformed Law merged into WARLORDS A
- Odyssey, Iliad vs. Tre kronor Ocean 66 Draw
Odyssey, Iliad merged into WARLORDS
I would like to invite everyone to help me complete the overview. If you'd like to submit an active war that's not yet on the list leave a post and please include the name(s) of both parties and the Oceans they are mainly located in.
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