Pending Captain - Village Trade window bug


  • World: Athens
  • Browser and Version: Chrome v18.0.1025.168 - current
  • Overview of the bug: When using the Captain interface to trade at Farming Villages, the first time a trade window is opened, it immediately closes itself.
  • Screenshots:
  • How often this occurs: For new islands, most of the time
  • Urgency: Can work around
  • Preventative Actions None found
  • Summary: When I use the Captain to collect resources from all my cities (22), I often go back up the list to balance the resources. I highlight a city in the left pane, then select a farming village in the right pane (left click), I click on the trade icon, and the Trade with XXXXX village window pops up, and closes. If I click on the same village, and trade again, the window stays open, and I can make the trade. Trading with other villages on the same island works fine. Clicking on another city, and following the same steps sometimes works, and sometimes follows the same behavior.
  • I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: Yes
  • Have you tried fixing it by using these methods?:
Not all of them. I have confirmed the behavior on a second computer.


Have you tried clearing your cache and refreshing the page? Does this only happen on Chrome or does it happen on other browsers too?


Just tested, and I'm seeing the same problem on Athens. You're right that it does seem to only occur when trying to trade with the villages through the Farming Village overview, rather than trying to trade with them directly..

(And thank you for using the format to report it! +Rep)


Have you tried clearing your cache and refreshing the page? Does this only happen on Chrome or does it happen on other browsers too?

I have cleared my cache.
I have tried it on another computer.
I have tried it in windows explorer.

I do not like green bug and ham.
