Wish List Changes to Unit strenghts and


I think Grepolis needs to seriously reconsider some of the unit strengths and weaknesses in the game.

For example:

Why are HOPLITES so vulnerable to DISTANCE Weaponry? They wore armor and their shield and helmet protected them from Distance assaults. I'd say Hoplites should be one of the better defensive units in the game, and the Swordsmen should be a relatively cheap, offensive troop.

Slingers are too powerful of offense, in real life they were quite an obscure/ineffective unit against armored enemy. Archers were used on both offense and defense (although more as a defense of cities), this could be reflected in the game.

Why does building a Chariot cost 4 population? Rider, archer/spearman, and the two other pop? for the horses?

3 population for a Horseman is too much, I'd say, even if the horse is treated as a unit of population, 2 would be enough.

Some of the Mythicals in the game use too much free population in order to build.

Shouldn't the Light Ships be renamed Fire Ships? And the current Fire ships be named something else? (I mean the LS are borrowed from no other than the famous Greek Fire Ships, not Greek Light Ships?)

Understanding that Inno does not like being criticized (even if just slightly), I might get banned after posting this. In such case, thanks for reading!


i agree with you about holpites needing better defense for ranged. As for slingers i say they're fine. yes in history they didnt do major damage but in great numbers they can overwhelm ever the most heavily armored troops. All the heavy rocks would create enough dents in the armor to actually cause the armor to stab into the defender.

As for horse i think 3 population is right on the money.

For the myth units, yeah some could use more balancing especially manticores and hydras. Hydras more than anything.


Hydras shouldn't need level 22 temple to build, 18 would be sufficient. The green water monsters should be faster, otherwise they're extremely powerful, which should be the case. I'd lower their free pop needs to 40 from the current 50.


i agree with you about holpites needing better defense for ranged. As for slingers i say they're fine. yes in history they didnt do major damage but in great numbers they can overwhelm ever the most heavily armored troops. All the heavy rocks would create enough dents in the armor to actually cause the armor to stab into the defender.

As for horse i think 3 population is right on the money.

For the myth units, yeah some could use more balancing especially manticores and hydras. Hydras more than anything.

Right, however, why do the Swordsmen have defense value of 30 vs Distance weapons, while the Hoplites are so incredibly vulnerable against them? (defence vs distance is only 7 for hops)

Both units wear armor (swords and hops), both wear helmets and carry shields, and, historically, we know that the Hoplites were much more superior on defense than any swordsman ever!

Swordsman defence vs slingers is setup at 30 while Hoplites defence vs slingers is at a pitiful 7!
Don't you dare telling me this makes any historical sense!!!

Hoplites should be the best 1 population cost unit in Grepolis, period!
Hoplites were very tough to defeat with any type of weaponry, and were good on offence as well (that part Inno got right, Hops being good on Def and Off, however, they should be slightly better on defense than offense). Hoplites were the favorite military units to use/produce in ancient Greece, why is their proper historical usage/place in ancient Greek militaria being under valued by Inno in Grep?

Swordsmen should be an early Offensive unit, with decent defensive values (because of their shield and armor). However, in real combat, they were no match for Hoplites!

Archers should be superior in CITY DEFENSE (they were used for this purpose throughout ancient/medieval history), as well as being a quite good offensive units (especially against light-armored troops)

Cavalry should cost 2 population to build instead of 3. They should be fast moving and carry lots, however, quite vulnerable vs distance and especially vs sharps (like Hoplites-the predecessors of Pikemen!)

Slingers should be just a cheap, fast moving offensive unit, capable of carrying a lot of loot, wearing no armor and capable of very little defence vs any type of weapon.

Chariots should cost 3 population instead of 4. Otherwise their setup is right on, except perhaps less vulnerability vs blunts and more vs distance. Their worst enemy: Sharp units.

I won't get into ships and myths with this post.


Hydras shouldn't need level 22 temple to build, 18 would be sufficient. The green water monsters should be faster, otherwise they're extremely powerful, which should be the case. I'd lower their free pop needs to 40 from the current 50.
If you made them much faster and at the same time reduced the population cost, I think they may become overpowered. I would agree that they are a bit underpowered at the moment, primarily due to their speed, but making multiple improvements at the same time may well just make them overpowered, and that isn't a good thing either.


I think everything is fine as it is. But some myth units need rebalancing


Cavalry should cost 2 population to build instead of 3. They should be fast moving and carry lots, however, quite vulnerable vs distance and especially vs sharps (like Hoplites-the predecessors of Pikemen!)

Didn't you know Horses are actually just two men grunting in a suit. So I find it unafair if you discounted one of them for the sake of his partner

Horsemen cost 3 population, one for the rider and two for the humans the horses eat to grow. Duhhh.