Well here we are just slaughtering some terrible MRA's. Myrmidons, Evolution, and Occupy. Not to name drop or anything at all. When I get an idea. We here at Lacking Diplomacy realize that those players must feel bad about themselves for losing all those troops. And those cities can't be doing very well either with the loss of their men. So I decided to start a charity service for the MRA's!
What Myrmidons, Evo, and Occupy has for an army now now.
What Lacking Diplomacy has now
We figured if we took the time to help these poor hopeless noobs then we could just save some of their players from tragic deaths. Our charity is a great cost and for only 5 slingers per day you can help a noob in need! <3
First things first in order to get these MRA wastes of space to toughen up we need to give them a city and a mascot! And thanks to your help we have one each of them!!
EVO. OF OCCUPY's new mascot!
Myrmidons new mascot!
We believe with these new mascots these two once hopeless causes will shapen up and finally get some wins under their belts! But it's still not enough to create a world winning drive they need YOUR help! Please give these noobs some help. Euthanize the dead weight and donate troops today! Because a player is a terrible thing to waste. Please pity these poor noobs. :/
(Serious note)
Its a real shame Grepolis's alliance quality has gotten THIS bad. There used to be times when the world was keen on competition and nobody clearly dominated a day. It seems those days are gone. As for MRA leaders and players. I honestly feel for you guys some of you seemed to be on the right path but just put your faith in a bad leader. Or a bad leader was doing decent for themselves and made a bad choice. Such as merging with a refugee alliance - Dany C.
Or on the Myrmidons part putting your faith in a idiot who thought he could threaten his way out of a situation. - Raelian Knight and Jason and the Argonauts. For players like Hopolon and Gaby I do feel for you guys and hope you all wisen up down the line and avoid these pit falls. Seriously though I haven't seen something this God awful since 2008. Also haven't seen so many people try to scapegoat someone either since Joey Harrington was the Lions star quarterback either. Seriously 600 of you? You all serious? And to top it off you all have failed to do any damage....
What Myrmidons, Evo, and Occupy has for an army now now.
What Lacking Diplomacy has now
We figured if we took the time to help these poor hopeless noobs then we could just save some of their players from tragic deaths. Our charity is a great cost and for only 5 slingers per day you can help a noob in need! <3
First things first in order to get these MRA wastes of space to toughen up we need to give them a city and a mascot! And thanks to your help we have one each of them!!
EVO. OF OCCUPY's new mascot!
Myrmidons new mascot!
We believe with these new mascots these two once hopeless causes will shapen up and finally get some wins under their belts! But it's still not enough to create a world winning drive they need YOUR help! Please give these noobs some help. Euthanize the dead weight and donate troops today! Because a player is a terrible thing to waste. Please pity these poor noobs. :/
(Serious note)
Its a real shame Grepolis's alliance quality has gotten THIS bad. There used to be times when the world was keen on competition and nobody clearly dominated a day. It seems those days are gone. As for MRA leaders and players. I honestly feel for you guys some of you seemed to be on the right path but just put your faith in a bad leader. Or a bad leader was doing decent for themselves and made a bad choice. Such as merging with a refugee alliance - Dany C.
Or on the Myrmidons part putting your faith in a idiot who thought he could threaten his way out of a situation. - Raelian Knight and Jason and the Argonauts. For players like Hopolon and Gaby I do feel for you guys and hope you all wisen up down the line and avoid these pit falls. Seriously though I haven't seen something this God awful since 2008. Also haven't seen so many people try to scapegoat someone either since Joey Harrington was the Lions star quarterback either. Seriously 600 of you? You all serious? And to top it off you all have failed to do any damage....