Hey even if they are or were an MRA. Hes still here.
Yep... and i could also mention you are for I do not know how long a member of a MRA ! that you so long claimed you are/were not
I don't mind, things change and I just wanted a change of scenery. AO101 are a good alliance
And thanks gabrish. Even if AO101 are an MRA it works as many cities have been taken from SM lately
Still confused why they would allow Principe into SM.
AO101 are a good alliance
And thanks gabrish. Even if AO101 are an MRA it works as many cities have been taken from SM lately
Olympia Alliance 101,
Points 9530165
members 165
alliance attacker 6th
Good is not a word id use for this alliance,my nan is more aggressive then ye
Lol if you say so, I know AO101 are good by the amount of cities they have taken lately under timed and organized conditions. Why would I need your biased opinion?
AO101 are a good alliance
Even if AO101 are an MRA it works as many cities have been taken from SM lately
Lol if you say so, I know AO101 are good by the amount of cities they have taken lately under timed and organized conditions.
Why would I need your biased opinion?
Get over Orestes he is gone,he was the best here now he is most likely enjoying real life.This all looks like a man crush to me,maybe you should ask Alcarin89 for his details ask him out for lunch
HA some city's not all .
And as for navel and troop losses , i think SM will be rebuilding for a while ..
been quiet in here
Just got in a bottle of Johnny Walker Blue Label, drink up!