Answered CS attack vs Fire Ships

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So I am in a revolt world and I am sending my second wave of attacks in red revolt so this is my CS attack wave. My spy shows some birs and some fire ships as the naval defense. I am aware that the bireme will always defend before the fire ships. I can clear the bir easily but I don't think I have enough boats to kill all of the fire ships once the bir are gone. I know the fire ships will not kill my CS if that is all that is in the harbor as the fire ships never kill CS.

My question is if all of my naval escort dies but the land is cleared and the CS (obviously) survives, will I take the city and the fire ships stay there as support? Or will my CS and land troops go back home because all of my naval escort died?


I do believe that you have to win BOTH navel and land in order to take a city. Even in breakthrough you must win both and this is the same.


I do believe that you have to win BOTH navel and land in order to take a city. Even in breakthrough you must win both and this is the same.
Yes, you need at LEAST 1 war ship with your CS when it lands or else your attack will fail.
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