well I have just started playing omicron and wanted to know whats going on I know I started really ******* late but hey I wanted to know how version 1.26 works and I have my answer and I like it I think I will continue to play omicron and maybe some other worlds from 1.26
I would have to disagree mate. Omicron is full of wars but are also full of "inactives"; With the right work-ethics, knowledge of the game and what is going on around you (situational awareness), one can still be viable force to be reckoned with.
with the right alliance on your side you can become big around here, i guess you can call me an optimist or naive but I like to see the brighter side of things.
Idk to be honest I think its really possible for somebody to join this world and grow big, all the wars are in the middle of the world so you could easily grow fast out on the rim with lots of city fes and maybe some gold.
If you joined on the east and became a member of TA or on the west and became a member of SG who honestly would bother you? There is much out there to challenge you and by the time the core war alliances made it out that far you could be a fair size of a player.
I agree with Murty. The core is tough but the Northern Oceans look like the happy hunting ground. I think an active player in the NW could grow quite quickly.
Yes you seem to forget we worked together in Theta for a while when we started out there, it was your second time in Theta you told me.
It was our inactive world.. Thats why we both stopped, only you stopped before I did haha
Haha, yeah well I only started there AGAIN to keep in touch with some ol friends. Plus, being that far on the rim, the only thing out there was inactives that got rimmed lol. I couldn't find a city worth taking over... Plus I was playing 5 worlds at that time. I gave them all up cept Omicron. (Playing Byzantium now too, since it's slow won't take much of my time)