Pnp Deb 1..... Alohana 0


Awww Cypress just messaged me letting me know my plan failed! He is right! DEB still has this world on strings!!! No match for me! BUT BOY DID I TRY!!!!! Accused of being in someones pocket was the biggest insult! As a wise GREP MAN recently told me every alliance needs and enemy... that is the same for every player. Ever have that feeling that in a game you just want something big to happen??? That is all I wanted! Ithaca was sooooo boring for me! The only thing good about it was the people! I made so many great friends!!! I love it! So thank you! Ithaca for being my first step into wearing my big girl panties!
Thank you DOOM for being my first alliance! YOu boys are now The Wild Bunch, but still so loved!
Thank you REV for allowing myself to learn more of the game including how much I can manipulate! Hehehe!!!!
It was always fun! And thank you DEB... for being my first enemy! YOu actually never gave me a real attack.... but in my mind you were the enemy just because you were #1..... as my alliance is in Hero World!
So thanks DEB for showing me the PUPPET MASTERY you play so well! I watched closely! I learned a lot!
Also thank you to all the boys who took the time to teach me how to play! 3 months old now.... some say still a NOOB... but, I think I have proven that anyone with a brain and social skills can have fun in this game!!!
I leave you now Ithaca.... restarted to give my cities away faster and will quit officially in 7 days!
So if you got to know me in game.... BOY were you lucky and if you didnt, boy did you miss out!!!
JUST one more parting thought!
ALL is fair in love and WAR!!!!!!!!!!! So.... anything I did ..... was fair game!

Including this!! BAHAHAHAHAHA ;)



Ithaca was sooooo boring for me! The only thing good about it was the people! I made so many great friends!!! I love it! So thank you!

This was the only thing you said that I could agree with or even understand though it appears you mean it to be sarcastic. Ithaca is full of great people. Not to knock other players on other servers but I have met more great people here than on any other server.


Ithaca is full of great people.
Its definitely not full of great players, there are many but definitely not a full server of them :p

As what Alohana was saying there are plenty that seem to want to help bring DeB down but when it come down to it they also like to run to DeB with any insight to help save there hides, which will only last for so long anyway if it even helps at all :D


ithica is half and half for great people ^.^ people like gokill, nivrap, erik, sagsin, aggression pays, michrssmith, theseus..., and popshot made the world worth playing when i was around as they always had something interesting to say and were generally nice people...except nivrap who just always had something interesting to say never had more fun debates in my career honestly that was better than taking entire grimm islands sometimes :)

people like cyprus, eric thorson (no offense buddy but you did make things feel a little tense when we talked even as allies on some days), jkub (my teammate), and even myself sometimes was guilty of it. made the world annoying and stressful as they would always make things tense, overreact, or even just fly off the handle towards allies in the forums (only IGB members will get that reference), also everyone i listed has at one point or another blown something out of proportion or didn't check their facts...a couple of people up top did that too but less often ^.^


i never did die just changed places haha i'm taking a break from full leading and am simply council in Band of Misfits on pella :)


Guest come down to it they also like to run to DeB with any insight to help save there hides, which will only last for so long anyway if it even helps at all :D

You nailed it Mazz! Straight on the head there.

Great alliances are bred of people who do not care about themselves but instead what is best for the alliance. In order for any alliance to be great; people have to feel like they are a part of something larger; and no matter what happens to them; the machine will take care of them.

The individual in this game is too small to be of significance compared to the whole. Not saying an individual isn't significant; but when they stand on their own without self-less support they are. If people worried less about saving their own rear; if they realized its a war game and you're probably going to have some losses, but alliances would be so much stronger.

Personally, I do not care if I get rimmed or lose cities if I have a good fight. I've played other worlds because there is a huge disease known as fear infecting Itacha. Its a war game. In the end, win or lose, no matter what awards you have or done; its a silly game. It means nothing on the grand scales of life. So sit back, enjoy, and focus on the larger picture.

Leaders and members alike should not focus on themselves; In leadership, it becomes greed which is poisonous to an alliance; and those under its like a rust causing things to break lose and not function correction. In both cases they are the number 1 problems I see with alliances across multiple servers.

If you want to save your own rear against DeB; put up the best fight you know how. If your tactics prove to be effective; then you get an offer into the alliance. Discard ego, but don't be a kiss rear either. We have never had very high regard for those whom look to save only their own rear; or for those who are egotistical. Typically, we use them and then discard them. Why? See above rant.

(Not saying we don't have flaws because we do; we are not perfect by any means.)


Well said Leneous. Id Plus ya but I need to share some around 1st :(

Probaly a bit late for anyone ithaca to take out DeB, only thing left is for you's to get bored and walk away ;)

I doubt anyone will trouble you guys now the GE leaders have joined your ranks now, leaving the minions as scraps to feed on or to mature a bit before hand.
Thens there IB and VB, non of there stats are very flattering and I pick will fall fast enough. Therefore leaving what I believe are your allies NMA which will turn into maybe the biggest War of the server unless that flops out too :p

Either way me and my only city are still trying to use up the DBP for VPs that I earnt before handing off all my cities.

All the best to those left in the server and hope I may logg in to see some heroic fights in the future, maybe even some in my lone city harbour again. Thats if any are game on the morale penatly :D


-.- Don't depress me Mazz. I stay here under faith that there will be some major good fights yet to come. Man I miss ya. Too bad I couldn't convince you to come. You earned your spot x.x and its empty... :-(


Mazz, it's sad that you have lost and even sad that your alliance fell apart sooner than expected. There wasn't much of fight from what I've heard. Mostly politics.

But just because your alliance fell apart it doesn't make it the end of the world for everyone else. Remember there are still months before WW starts. A lot could happen until then. Judge when it is all said and done.


Ive not lost yet and still have better stats here than most do, also I've more entertaining and challenging things going at the moment for me.
I do feel sad ReV fell apart, was many a politics throughout and I only ever wanted to help with the forums. Never wanted to have any leadership otherwise but just helped out were asked.

There are months before the WWs but looking at the stats non compare with DeBs 69 players and unless player attrition strike them hard I doubt any have the abiltiy/firepower/coordination or whatever to take them now they have doubled in size. Id love to see it done but doubt it will.

Dont get me wrong there is a chance for it happening but chances are getting slimmer the closer this gets to the WWs and the more that turn DeB way


Thank you Mazz, your words are uplifting. I'm not sure if you are playing politics against DeB here or just simply depressed about it. It's a game and the winner will be crowned. If DeB gets to be the winners of Ithaca, they have deserved it. But no point looking that far ahead now is it? Just enjoy the game if you are still in i and watch the story unfold itself. :p


He's depressing me and I sit on the counsel. x.x -.- Mazz is a great player and will forever have my respect.

I forsee some large wars; there are many alliances in Ithaca that have yet to see a large war. When the Era of World Wonders breaks out I forsee some massive conflicts.

Personally, I do not care if we win or lose. I would rather be fighting until the end and lose then to set up to sim our way to an easy victory. Size works against you in an alliance. The larger you are the harder it is to be a close tight team. That is a challenge we have to work through. I am privileged to have a great group of guys who are dedicated to wanting to meet that challenging and stand united. If anything though, its going to be harder now that we are larger - at least in the short run. The next month is a major test for our alliance.

People make us out to be capable of feats and manipulations that; well, its flattering when you know what really goes on.

And Mazz buddy; you haven't lost even if you get rimmed. You are one of the best fighters in this game. You will always have my respect.


WOW! I can't believe this is still up here and yes, I did eventually regret leaving. However my very dear grepo family encouraged me to come back! So you see I am here again. LOL Small but mighty and having fun again. Much love in Ithaca, much love indeed!



All I can say is..
While your back, you shuld remember too
keep-calm-and-welcome-back-7 (1).png

I bought this with me, might help get some