Defiled Forest


As the longest still remaining, possibly tied with Alpha, I thought they should have thier own line, even though none of them post on the forums.


It depends on how you see Evo.
I think Evo is the oldest alliance around, because TU and BS have always been close to each other and working together on many fronts. That is, if we let aside the war between them once.
So I think Evo is the oldest, not DF or Alpha


True, but EVO is a new name which discounts them, I'm going off original names, not groupings of players, by you thoughts, you could say df is realatively new, because the majority of thier leadership has changed over the months of the game.


Yes, well if we look at it your way, DF is definetly the oldest by far.
But I still count Evo as the oldest, because the only thing that happened was a change of names, and two of the closest allies joining.
They were practically one alliance, with two names and got unified because some major changes in grepolis.


You all wrong.. The oldest alliance in Omicron is "THE ARMY OF GOD" formerly .BLACK SEA now..
They founded on 2011-02-21 21:07:09 according to grepostats, second is Evolution formerly The Unit founded on 2011-02-23 05:07:14, third is Defiled Forest founded on 2011-02-24 17:08:30 and fourth is Alpha founded on 2011-02-25 15:07:11..
If name changing alliances dont count, the oldest is Defiled Forest, second is Alpha..


AAh good job Aksak on clearing that out for all of us, bravo!

Well, .BLACK SEA, former Academy or wing of BS, is the oldest.
But I think, with leadership and all that, Evo is the oldest.
Alpha have had their fair share of changes, DF as well and the original leadership of .BLACK SEA is nowhere to be found.
But Murt and RTL are still around, and leading the alliance!


@ Worms

Forgive me, I am trying to find a handle on this thread....

You really want Evo to be the oldest, therefore if you continue to twist the facts long enough, eventually you will find a scenario that matches your desired result. Which certainly appears to be the strategy.

Why didn't you just say Evo are the oldest alliance and I don't care what anyone else says and be done with it. Clear, concise and answers the question.


No Blood.
First they said DF was first.
I replied, BS and TU were there before that, and those two alliances just did what actually was expected by everybody, and as they acted like one alliance allready, I said that in a matter of speaking Evo would be in that case older than DF.
Then Aksak showed us all that .BLACK SEA is the oldest, but if we look at it as the whole alliance this is what we know:

Alpha has had their fair share of changes considering the leadership.
Spiller stepped down, Aksak is still around, but a whole new council has been formed.
DF, well I don't think the original leadership or the founders are still around but considering names, thats the oldest name around here.
.BLACK SEA, has a new name, new leadership, new goal in Omi, not longer the acad of BS anymore, and I consider them to be a fairly new alliance.
Evo, as I already said, has the same leadership and I think we can say it already existed, but not officially.
Same leadership, same alliance, no changes.
And THAT is why I consider Evo to be the oldest.

So this is what I think to be the facts:
Officially oldest alliance: .BLACK SEA
Oldest alliance name still around: Defiled Forest
Oldest alliance and leadership: Evolution

You get my point now Blood?
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It really matters little who was here first the only thing that matters is who is the last one standing, so you guys can argue about this for as long as you like but its a pointless fight.


I was more focused on the oldest non name changed alliance, thus making it DF, I think to some degree we owe them a bow for this that they have survive constant struggle, battle, leader changes, and much more (some of my causing), and yet still remain a top 5 alliance as they seem to always be. Congrats to you guys, keep on fighting.


Yeah we got to give it to em, their not the easiest to bring down..


That's not entirely true, if you follow them even by grepostats, they are constantly active and growing, in city count, apb, dbp, and area they cover, that's not the easiest task to complete considering the wars in this world, I remember when I started they only had 5 cities in O45, now they have a considerable hold in that area, and many of those came from enemies.


that is true bcae but thats the case for only some players.. not all.. mid level and lower order are all noobs.


I can agree with that, but we were all there at one point or another, lol.


that is true bcae but thats the case for only some players.. not all.. mid level and lower order are all noobs.

Its same for evo, a few good players, some of decent players and rest of all noobs like you :D


And Alpha are full of the most elite players Grepolis has to offer?


Please there are no noobs in Evolution. We do not attack with Bris!!! or Super Saiyan Archers.