Delphi Wars


Mr. Moo Man - sadly what he states is the truth.
The sad fact is that delphi has become one big pacted party, when months ago your leadership told me they wished not to do so, since it would become boring.


Well where weren't first to start pacting around here

*coughs* Silence , Tax collectors , One* and some other i might forget to mention * coughs*

So we have to evolve our strategy besides Sainted Star plenty to kill around Delphi

And yes it is true SweetsT we don't tend to pact around. Last game i played with GSA was us vs top 100 and sadly we ran out of stuff to kill so we quit.

I will promise we will make sure fun stay's here for a while and this game without war is like farmville and we don't want that to happen do we now.


hehe - ONE* doesn't pact
we make friends and keep friends, ppl we trust :)

if you don't want a farmville why all the pacts - we know about them and all the goodies behind them too


haha..... yes some more so then others
it's super fun to have the whole server allied against like 2-3 alliances
glad you enjoy that so much
I am done speaking on this topic as once again ppl are giving you all misinformation


I changed my mind of G.S.A, because a few of my friends now moved to there I was little biased to them but after having my 2k city, 1k city conquered by the same guy within the last 24 hrs I will say that they're complete noobs. Sadly only some of them understand the meaning of morale.


The Battle Show are taking on about 4 alliances at once and we could use some help before they get too big and come for you bigger alliances out there they have already made plans for conquering Cerberus and soon Royal Challengers and then on