I am a friend of Erik and like so many others in my team and so many others in the team of our Pact members, I am also a former member of Eviction Notice.
My first time I write something on the externals. it will also be a last time but thought after all the negative and inaccurate information I had to respond.
Not using my sinope account for obvious reasons, no need to receive spam, or to lose friends over an opinion.
Probably, only the most experienced players will agree with me, and as always others wil respond to this with all their wisdom, but reading so many follies hurts my eyes and someone had to stand up for the truth, it's time that the fairy tales makes place for reality.
Consider me as one of those thousands who enjoyed the externals from the sidelines, but today I felt it is time to correct what I believe is wrong and today I am sharing my opinion with you.
To some extent it's funny but all those playing the game since day one know how the game works, and in all the worlds I have played I have nothing but shown respect and received respect, it is unbelievable that the pactleaders of my team has so little truth and dignity to share.
For months Hollies opinion about Golden crowns was not something to be proud of.
Now it's suddenly the most high to achieve, it even reached the point where our pact members have wrecked their own miracle and allowed my team a free pass, it was indeed agreed , but what they so much hated and criticized Erik for they did themselves, a crown became that much important, they accepted to wait in queue as true simmers, I even read on the forum what a struggle it was to build these 7 ww.
Therefore let me return back reality and let me congratulate Erik's team for winning sinope.
Everyone knows " INNO GAMES WALL OF FAME ", It is abundantly clear INNO rewards VICTORS way much more than MASTERS.
Sinope is no exception, the winner is the 1st team building four world wonders, those who see it differently , start writing complains @ INNO HEADQUARTERS.
Many of us know, most worlds has several teams with a master's degree, but each world has only one victor, we are not that Victor team.
All those who think they have won, realize one thing, in future servers, if we show our golden crown with pride, our future enemies will demand of us to show that victor award, we will always come empty handed with blush cheeks.
What are we going to say, "yes, but it was because us that "Erik's team" has not built 7 WW ?
So in our next worlds we have to acknowledge he is indeed a legend?
Do not know what some people now are thinking , whether most people want to read even more, I understand the hard truth can be painful.
I was hoping to avoid it but after all the disrespect, somebody had to stand up for the enemy.
So even after all this !!!, let me congratulate my team for winning MASTERS, but I like to keep it fair, I know what I'm talking about. I have fought against Erik and I have fought at his side and with respect, no matter where I ended up , for me Erik is a legend.
A lot of people over here claiming that Erik is the killer of the server at an urly stage, this is madness and it is not true.
I do not consider him as 1 of the best diplomats ingame, but he is wise enough to leave that task to others (Wildnisa), but as no other Erik is passionate in everything else he does for his team and pacts , as a director of a blockbuster movie, he knows how to hit anyone from he public, as a cook he knows perfectly how to spice up a bland soup.
... and this ladies and gentlemen, makes him legendary, we can only be grateful, it is this necessary drama which we all need to keep us motivated , to go t'ill the end of this idiot game, even if it costs us a lot of trouble and reallife relationships, Erik motivates not only his own (pact)team(s) but also the teams of his enemies.
Those who do not agree feel free to scroll up and down on the forum and you will notice all conversations go almost exclusively about Erik, if this is no clear sign of his status as a legend, only lunatics, idiots and amateurs would be wasting their time if we are not talking about a legend, it's getting about time to admit this, it may also help others to understand better our own satisfaction for building 7WW.
In this world I have very much respect for so many own teamplayers, to name only 1, how killermoze69 rebounded's just admirable, but the game is played, and I can not accept that my enemy is brought back to a simple group of noobs and simmers, it in incorrectly and makes me believe that I have fought for a whole year against idiots, I am very sorry, but if this be true then I feel ashamed that my team has failed to win Sinope (4WW).
I ask my team to hold our master's degree with dignity, it makes me proud that we have blocked the enemy at 5 WW, but this text is not about the MASTERS achievement of my team ! but about truth and dignity of my teammembers and more specifically our pactleaders.
After completing 7 Wonders many of those leaders found it necessary to insult my friend Erik, here's a correction.
I have fought for years with Erik, so I know that he never actively worked with spies, in contrast to my own team who have used them over here, without judging (I think it is an unwise tactic not to use spies), just admit, we all hate spies and Erik chooses not to use them, this deserves our respect.
In the end the spy or spies have played a bigger part for us getting 7WW than the fighting.
We all knew before the reds who was inactive @ enemy camp, we knew their plans, I think not using spies is a tactical error, an honorable but a tactical blunder from my friend but despite this, we fell short in defeating our enemies for winning that VICTOR AWARD.
This should be already enough to be more respectful in the end, but to go further, not so long ago Chad's team has lost a friend , lbchen.
Our pact members asked Erik a sign of respect and asked him to leave lbchens cities intact, without hesitation he agreed to that request.
Later Erik got his own reallife troubles.
We will never know if the world had known another end without my friend having reallife problems.
But realize how Erik dealt with chads request and to see now how Chad, Mungus and a few others talks about Erik becomes disgusting.
I sincerely hope that none of you ever go through what he went through and I do not see anyone of us logging if we would have to endure the same.
Erik could easily asked a service back from us and asked to allow him to hand over all his cities to his teammates.
Erik was in a strong position to ask but he has not done this, he kept (tried) his private life for himself.
I may sure hope this request would have been accepted by my own teamleaders and by all our pact members.
The day he got out whether he no longer had the energy or the fact one WW was lost is for me not the main question or important, what is important that he could simply handed over his cities, but under the circumstances nobody @ Sinope should blame him for what he did.
Don't get me wrong, I feel proud that we have ensured that Erik teams have built no seven wonders , I also feel pride that we did not just have walked away after the enemy had built five.
However, I can not claim that I am equally proud of us having seven wonders.
You see I also have reason to hate Erik, nothing would have given me more pleasure than at the end to throw that MASTER award in his face, but by the circumstances he got out, he took from me the possible satisfaction.
I do not blame my friend and I hope that in the end also for the less experienced players reason will win over people's emotions.
During the fight, everyone can attack one another on all fronts, but in the end it is time for respect, that's what I've always seen so far and hope Sinope not become the exception.
I can not demand that everyone has the same thought regarding our 7ww, but more respect is in place for all of you!
As for Eviction Notice.
As a former member of Eviction Notice, I ask to stop others claiming something that is not true. Erik has explained many times his and (Wildnisa's) teams are not Eviction Notice.
Not in Eubea not overhere.
Eviction Notice is Kronnos, Deadly Truth, PRT50, Weasy, and so many new other founders. I even think Erik was never a founder @ EN, I was not sure anymore but have consulted his profile, I advise you all to do the same!
Tactics are completely different, where Eviction Notice seeks out the center of a world, Erik seeks the rim zone, where Eviction Notice usually begins with a premade Erik begins with a handful and sure never with a premade!
I always joyfully watched the forum but the last days I felt I had to respond.
Pericles HAS borne all his misfortunes with the dignity of an immortal. This makes Pericles no less legendary.
I hope everyone had a good read.
My first time I write something on the externals. it will also be a last time but thought after all the negative and inaccurate information I had to respond.
Not using my sinope account for obvious reasons, no need to receive spam, or to lose friends over an opinion.
Probably, only the most experienced players will agree with me, and as always others wil respond to this with all their wisdom, but reading so many follies hurts my eyes and someone had to stand up for the truth, it's time that the fairy tales makes place for reality.
Consider me as one of those thousands who enjoyed the externals from the sidelines, but today I felt it is time to correct what I believe is wrong and today I am sharing my opinion with you.
To some extent it's funny but all those playing the game since day one know how the game works, and in all the worlds I have played I have nothing but shown respect and received respect, it is unbelievable that the pactleaders of my team has so little truth and dignity to share.
For months Hollies opinion about Golden crowns was not something to be proud of.
Now it's suddenly the most high to achieve, it even reached the point where our pact members have wrecked their own miracle and allowed my team a free pass, it was indeed agreed , but what they so much hated and criticized Erik for they did themselves, a crown became that much important, they accepted to wait in queue as true simmers, I even read on the forum what a struggle it was to build these 7 ww.
Therefore let me return back reality and let me congratulate Erik's team for winning sinope.
Everyone knows " INNO GAMES WALL OF FAME ", It is abundantly clear INNO rewards VICTORS way much more than MASTERS.
Sinope is no exception, the winner is the 1st team building four world wonders, those who see it differently , start writing complains @ INNO HEADQUARTERS.
Many of us know, most worlds has several teams with a master's degree, but each world has only one victor, we are not that Victor team.
All those who think they have won, realize one thing, in future servers, if we show our golden crown with pride, our future enemies will demand of us to show that victor award, we will always come empty handed with blush cheeks.
What are we going to say, "yes, but it was because us that "Erik's team" has not built 7 WW ?
So in our next worlds we have to acknowledge he is indeed a legend?
Do not know what some people now are thinking , whether most people want to read even more, I understand the hard truth can be painful.
I was hoping to avoid it but after all the disrespect, somebody had to stand up for the enemy.
So even after all this !!!, let me congratulate my team for winning MASTERS, but I like to keep it fair, I know what I'm talking about. I have fought against Erik and I have fought at his side and with respect, no matter where I ended up , for me Erik is a legend.
A lot of people over here claiming that Erik is the killer of the server at an urly stage, this is madness and it is not true.
I do not consider him as 1 of the best diplomats ingame, but he is wise enough to leave that task to others (Wildnisa), but as no other Erik is passionate in everything else he does for his team and pacts , as a director of a blockbuster movie, he knows how to hit anyone from he public, as a cook he knows perfectly how to spice up a bland soup.
... and this ladies and gentlemen, makes him legendary, we can only be grateful, it is this necessary drama which we all need to keep us motivated , to go t'ill the end of this idiot game, even if it costs us a lot of trouble and reallife relationships, Erik motivates not only his own (pact)team(s) but also the teams of his enemies.
Those who do not agree feel free to scroll up and down on the forum and you will notice all conversations go almost exclusively about Erik, if this is no clear sign of his status as a legend, only lunatics, idiots and amateurs would be wasting their time if we are not talking about a legend, it's getting about time to admit this, it may also help others to understand better our own satisfaction for building 7WW.
In this world I have very much respect for so many own teamplayers, to name only 1, how killermoze69 rebounded's just admirable, but the game is played, and I can not accept that my enemy is brought back to a simple group of noobs and simmers, it in incorrectly and makes me believe that I have fought for a whole year against idiots, I am very sorry, but if this be true then I feel ashamed that my team has failed to win Sinope (4WW).
I ask my team to hold our master's degree with dignity, it makes me proud that we have blocked the enemy at 5 WW, but this text is not about the MASTERS achievement of my team ! but about truth and dignity of my teammembers and more specifically our pactleaders.
After completing 7 Wonders many of those leaders found it necessary to insult my friend Erik, here's a correction.
I have fought for years with Erik, so I know that he never actively worked with spies, in contrast to my own team who have used them over here, without judging (I think it is an unwise tactic not to use spies), just admit, we all hate spies and Erik chooses not to use them, this deserves our respect.
In the end the spy or spies have played a bigger part for us getting 7WW than the fighting.
We all knew before the reds who was inactive @ enemy camp, we knew their plans, I think not using spies is a tactical error, an honorable but a tactical blunder from my friend but despite this, we fell short in defeating our enemies for winning that VICTOR AWARD.
This should be already enough to be more respectful in the end, but to go further, not so long ago Chad's team has lost a friend , lbchen.
Our pact members asked Erik a sign of respect and asked him to leave lbchens cities intact, without hesitation he agreed to that request.
Later Erik got his own reallife troubles.
We will never know if the world had known another end without my friend having reallife problems.
But realize how Erik dealt with chads request and to see now how Chad, Mungus and a few others talks about Erik becomes disgusting.
I sincerely hope that none of you ever go through what he went through and I do not see anyone of us logging if we would have to endure the same.
Erik could easily asked a service back from us and asked to allow him to hand over all his cities to his teammates.
Erik was in a strong position to ask but he has not done this, he kept (tried) his private life for himself.
I may sure hope this request would have been accepted by my own teamleaders and by all our pact members.
The day he got out whether he no longer had the energy or the fact one WW was lost is for me not the main question or important, what is important that he could simply handed over his cities, but under the circumstances nobody @ Sinope should blame him for what he did.
Don't get me wrong, I feel proud that we have ensured that Erik teams have built no seven wonders , I also feel pride that we did not just have walked away after the enemy had built five.
However, I can not claim that I am equally proud of us having seven wonders.
You see I also have reason to hate Erik, nothing would have given me more pleasure than at the end to throw that MASTER award in his face, but by the circumstances he got out, he took from me the possible satisfaction.
I do not blame my friend and I hope that in the end also for the less experienced players reason will win over people's emotions.
During the fight, everyone can attack one another on all fronts, but in the end it is time for respect, that's what I've always seen so far and hope Sinope not become the exception.
I can not demand that everyone has the same thought regarding our 7ww, but more respect is in place for all of you!
As for Eviction Notice.
As a former member of Eviction Notice, I ask to stop others claiming something that is not true. Erik has explained many times his and (Wildnisa's) teams are not Eviction Notice.
Not in Eubea not overhere.
Eviction Notice is Kronnos, Deadly Truth, PRT50, Weasy, and so many new other founders. I even think Erik was never a founder @ EN, I was not sure anymore but have consulted his profile, I advise you all to do the same!
Tactics are completely different, where Eviction Notice seeks out the center of a world, Erik seeks the rim zone, where Eviction Notice usually begins with a premade Erik begins with a handful and sure never with a premade!
I always joyfully watched the forum but the last days I felt I had to respond.
Pericles HAS borne all his misfortunes with the dignity of an immortal. This makes Pericles no less legendary.
I hope everyone had a good read.