Beginner Downloading GIMP Brushes


Where can I find a good amount of brushes to download and how can I put them in my brush section?


Downloading&Storing GIMP Brushes

**Before you read this please make sure you make a new folder and designate it as "Brushes", this will be the place that you will unRAR your GIMP Brushes to. Also this is how to download and store GIMP Brushes on a windows, not MAC..

1) Go to DeviantArt is a great site to download GIMP Brushes and it's the site that I use for mine.

2) When you find a brush set that you like you need to CTRL+click on the name of said brush set. The reason you need to do this is because if you just regularly click it and open it in the same window you'll just see the picture featuring the brushes. In order to be able to download the set you need to open it in a new window.



3) After you find the brush set that you like download it! The brushes will be in a .RAR file so make sure you have a tool such as WINRAR to unRAR it.

4) unRAR your brush file to your "Brush" folder that you made. Sometimes the creators include pictures of the brushes in the RAR file so make sure that you are only extracting the brushes. They will either all be included in one ".ABR" file or separate "GIMP Brush" files.

.ABR File

GIMP Brush File

5) Once you have successfully unRAR'd the brush files into your "Brush" folder it's time to move them to your GIMP Brush folder.
Your GIMP Brush Folder is here: C:\Program Files (x86)\GIMP-2.0\share\gimp\2.0\brushes

I know you're probably thinking "Why not just unRAR them directly to the GIMP Brush Folder?" well, I have tried that but unfortunately it prevents you from unRARing to it. If someone knows why then please explain. I don't know and I don't really mind doing a little bit extra to move my brushes. In order to move them simply open up both folders, and have them horizontal to each other (i.e. one on top of the other.) Then simply CTRL+A to select all your brushes and click+drag them and drop them into your GIMP Brush Folder!

Moving Before

Moving After

6) Simply start up GIMP (or restart if you have it open) so that it can register the new brushes! Congratulations you're done!