en61 Paros - TLO


Hey guys. I'm gonna be making an alliance in Paros called The Lucky Ones (a recycled name from Tau, if there are any of you who played back that far).

World: en61 Paros
Direction: NW
Leadership: 2 founders, various leaders at my/Remus' discretion

I'm hoping to keep it to 44, but depending on when they open it up we may be a bit farther back. RemusLupin and I will be in charge here to start, but we're definitely gonna want to develop a larger council as time goes on. If you want privilege, join, play and stay active.

We're going to go with open recruitment (aka MRA), but we're going to be a bit more serious than that. Those who can't follow instructions or who don't click the "Reply" button in the forums often enough will find themselves on their own. As for pacts, it's all conditional on how the world turns out. Just don't try to send us a request on day 1 and expect a reply.

If you want to join, send RemusLupin or Lucky3 a pm ingame once the world starts.


I can't wait to make it! And yes, we will have a big council and if possible NW and O44!


The problem with MRA's is that players don't get involved or read the forums as we're already seeing. We have a NAP yet your members are having failed spy attempts on me, not a good start to the world in my opinion. If you can't control your numerous members, how is any other alliance meant to trust you guys?