Excessive Gold Use

  • Thread starter DeletedUser47953
  • Start date


I’m a bit concerned to see one player with 41 cities and 2nd best at around 26. Really folks, Inno needs to put a cap on gold use…
I was talking with someone earlier and came up with the idea of No Gold servers. One out of three would be enough to let players actually enjoy the game.
Without gold, even the first players on server should have no more than 20-25 cities. It’s all gold culture now.
I spend money, but the money game is killing the game.


I play more than six years and I haven't spent a single cent of euro.
I spend my time here and as one wise ancient Greek man said: O χρόνος είναι χρήμα
I use gold for basics (advisors, golding wall, rarely gold cs)
My gold earned only from trade exchange.
Of course, I am not ambitious to get the profits of the events by spending gold on them.
It's obvious that golders have first places and alliances with golders usually win the servers.
But activity and communication between members of the alliance are also critical and important if you want to be competitive.

I don't believe Inno will put limits on gold use.

Let the players playing free as they like


I'd be in support of that. Because like...for a new world...someone who has...20k gold in the bank can drop in, and just quick build the city up in like an hour or few by golding resources in and golding the buildings up.


I’m a bit concerned to see one player with 41 cities and 2nd best at around 26. Really folks, Inno needs to put a cap on gold use…
I was talking with someone earlier and came up with the idea of No Gold servers. One out of three would be enough to let players actually enjoy the game.
Without gold, even the first players on server should have no more than 20-25 cities. It’s all gold culture now.
I spend money, but the money game is killing the game.
I think 1/3 servers being gold free will just make people play those 1/3s and only those. I doubt many want to play gold servers and potentially pay money for gold if they can just join an equivalent FFA no gold server.
The 1/3 server idea only really works if they are independent, which they wont be. Gold servers will be emptied and most people will flock to no-Gold servers. There is not a good solution, really. One way to handle it is to never allow gold to fully complete something, but only halve the remaining time it takes to complete. Buying res for gold is not instant either, so I do not see why golding construction/recruitment should be instant.

However, I do somewhat agree with Antonios222
I play more than six years and I haven't spent a single cent of euro.
I spend my time here and as one wise ancient Greek man said: O χρόνος είναι χρήμα
I use gold for basics (advisors, golding wall, rarely gold cs)
My gold earned only from trade exchange.
Of course, I am not ambitious to get the profits of the events by spending gold on them.
It's obvious that golders have first places and alliances with golders usually win the servers.
But activity and communication between members of the alliance are also critical and important if you want to be competitive.

I don't believe Inno will put limits on gold use.

Let the players playing free as they like

The most basic stuff like advisors, golding CS, etc. are not that expensive and you do not have to use money; you can just milk the gold players when they buy res from the market. I think the majority of players do this.
You also have to keep in mind that reducing efficiency of gold means less people buying a LOT of gold and buying res for gold, which means less gold for the majority of players, until advisors are not a thing everyone can afford without spending real money on the game.

So I appreciate the big golders for continously providing me with advisors.
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I think 1/3 servers being gold free will just make people play those 1/3s and only those. I doubt many want to play gold servers and potentially pay money for gold if they can just join an equivalent FFA no gold server.
The 1/3 server idea only really works if they are independent, which they wont be. Gold servers will be emptied and most people will flock to no-Gold servers. There is not a good solution, really. One way to handle it is to never allow gold to fully complete something, but only halve the remaining time it takes to complete. Buying res for gold is not instant either, so I do not see why golding construction/recruitment should be instant.

However, I do somewhat agree with Antonios222

The most basic stuff like advisors, golding CS, etc. are not that expensive and you do not have to use money; you can just milk the gold players when they buy res from the market. I think the majority of players do this.
You also have to keep in mind that reducing efficiency of gold means less people buying a LOT of gold and buying res for gold, which means less gold for the majority of players, until advisors are not a thing everyone can afford without spending real money on the game.

So I appreciate the big golders for continously providing me with advisors.

Let's just face it, there will never be a no gold world so no point in even mentioning it any further.

In a weird way, the gold trade just further divides those that take the game at least semi seriously and those who don't. Yes you can milk the gold and get the advisors in every world you play for free. What about the average player that doesn't take the game serious and mostly probably only plays on the rim from time to time, they aren't getting gold which means they aren't getting advisors, which means they are already at a huge disadvantage right out of the gate. A player that enters worlds just to gold trade will probably make somewhere between 5k-20k in gold maybe even more (who da f*ck knows i've never done it. I honestly don't have the time, patience, or will power to do it). Imagine entering a world and being at a 20k gold disadvantage right out of the gate *several clown faces.

Imagine the US taking on Mexico and Peru for example. *the US being the premades that save/buy their gold for each world they take seriously, Mexico being the teams that spend/buy some gold but don't really actively save it for each world they play, and Peru being the little ole noobs/irrelevant teams that rarely/don't use gold at all. Mexico puts up a better fight than Peru but they both at the end of the day lose... The Zoo and QOQ are a good example of this from the speed 6 revolt. QOQ being the US and the ZOO being mexico. Mexico still loses, do they put up a fight sure but I mean was it even a battle worth fighting?

Cheers to drunk me giving myself a headache just to explain how op and unfair gold really is. Now that i've wasted enough of our lives bashing gold, now back to our regular scheduled programming, which is Back2basics spewing bs on how good meme is *eye roll


You can win a server, you can top 10 (even top 5), you can conquer a lot of cities etc. etc. without any gold bought. Those who oppose that are often just straight out bad players.

Nothing in this world is free. Enjoy the game? Buy some gold and support the devs and have even more fun. Or let other do that in peace so you don't have to look at ads or a buy-in fee

Sick of seeing this kind of posts by someone barely touching top 500 lmao

In a weird way, the gold trade just further divides those that take the game at least semi seriously and those who don't. What about the average player that doesn't take the game serious and mostly probably only plays on the rim from time to time, they aren't getting gold which means they aren't getting advisors, which means they are already at a huge disadvantage right out of the gate. Imagine entering a world and being at a 20k gold disadvantage right out of the gate *several clown faces.

Cheers to drunk me giving myself a headache just to explain how op and unfair gold really is.

First of all, a good advice for you clearly, would be to lay off the alcohol when thinking.
Second of all, oh nooo, players who invest more time in a game gets rewarded more than those who dont?? That's how games work mate. This is a competetive strategy/war game, what the hell did you expect ahhahahaha


Just musing on how the game has lost players. Servers are over in months, gold use wins as people buy a hundred nukes during events. Instead of 40 populated oceans full of 10’s of thousands of players where a top alliance could be grown organically, it’s all premades in 4 oceans and mostly same players.
I just think it would be interesting to see who could win on a no gold server.
I use a bit of gold like most, but it does ruin the game.

Seriko Lee

Just musing on how the game has lost players. Servers are over in months, gold use wins as people buy a hundred nukes during events. Instead of 40 populated oceans full of 10’s of thousands of players where a top alliance could be grown organically, it’s all premade in 4 oceans and mostly same players.
I just think it would be interesting to see who could win on a no gold server.
I use a bit of gold like most, but it does ruin the game.
It will be interesting but gold is also used for buffs such as captain etc, this will be the counterargument.
Casual worlds are what I call a paradise with no worries and becoming a powerhouse is always possible, so far many don't like such worlds.
Your idea needs more explanation so we can understand the concept like how I described the CW server.


I’m thinking that advisor could be just a cash option and no gold or maybe grepolis could put a gold cap on a server, like 10k per month purchased or 3k per month. Players could still trade resources for gold, but obscene spending of 10k gold a day would be stopped.


Get a job
Dude. It’s not about money. It’s more of a game balance issue. I’m an old player, since EN54 and we’ve lost a lot of people over the years, mostly due to unlimited gold use. I’m simply arguing that a gold buying cap would liven the game up by making activity and strategy more important than being willing to waste dollars on pixels.
The devs deserve their money. Grepolis is a great strategy platform, but suffers from imbalance. Put a cap on and advertise the game again and get a larger player base again.


Dude. It’s not about money. It’s more of a game balance issue. I’m an old player, since EN54 and we’ve lost a lot of people over the years, mostly due to unlimited gold use. I’m simply arguing that a gold buying cap would liven the game up by making activity and strategy more important than being willing to waste dollars on pixels.
The devs deserve their money. Grepolis is a great strategy platform, but suffers from imbalance. Put a cap on and advertise the game again and get a larger player base again.
If i can go top 10 fighters on 3 out of 3 servers ive played for real, where is the imbalance problem? It's easy to find excuses instead of just becoming better

How much gold do you think my friend probablyyes spent on en138?

Also, grepolis didnt die because of ppl spending money on gold lmao


You can win a server, you can top 10 (even top 5), you can conquer a lot of cities etc. etc. without any gold bought. Those who oppose that are often just straight out bad players.

im glad you specified that you dont need to buy gold to be ranked high, but you do need to have and use it, otherwise you cant do advisors, you cant get anything done in recent gold digging events...
imo this game isnt playable without captain/admin, at least i wouldnt waste my time with it lol
but yeah, even if you buy just enough gold to pay for your advisors for entire world, you could be ranked pretty high even without insta buying units/buildings and gold whoring in events, its doable but requires you to waste a lot of your personal time on game and farming/micro controlling


im glad you specified that you dont need to buy gold to be ranked high, but you do need to have and use it, otherwise you cant do advisors, you cant get anything done in recent gold digging events...
imo this game isnt playable without captain/admin, at least i wouldnt waste my time with it lol
but yeah, even if you buy just enough gold to pay for your advisors for entire world, you could be ranked pretty high even without insta buying units/buildings and gold whoring in events, its doable but requires you to waste a lot of your personal time on game and farming/micro controlling
Gold exchange can easily yield you 500 gold a day without even tryharding. That's 14 days of each advisor there. Save your gold and spend it on the events.

That's how games work. The ones who put more time in are better off than those who don't. So in reality your argument supports me


Gold exchange can easily yield you 500 gold a day without even tryharding. That's 14 days of each advisor there. Save your gold and spend it on the events.

That's how games work. The ones who put more time in are better off than those who don't. So in reality your argument supports me
I’m not certain why you are defending excessive gold spending if you say you get all your gold on market. Are you afraid a cap on gold buying would dry up your resource sales for gold?
Also, it’s a bit offensive to say anyone who complains about excessive gold use is just a crappy player. I’ve played this game a long time and seen a big wallet scumbag group drop CSs all over an enemy alliance and gold the cities to 10k literally overnight. That is NOT strategy or playing well. That a bunch of wallets proving they are rich, not good game play.
I understand that I won’t win the server. I’d never presume that, but you are full of it saying that gold use isn’t out of control and YES, excessive gold use is why grepolis is dying!
I’m not certain why you are defending excessive gold spending if you say you get all your gold on market. Are you afraid a cap on gold buying would dry up your resource sales for gold?
Also, it’s a bit offensive to say anyone who complains about excessive gold use is just a crappy player. I’ve played this game a long time and seen a big wallet scumbag group drop CSs all over an enemy alliance and gold the cities to 10k literally overnight. That is NOT strategy or playing well. That a bunch of wallets proving they are rich, not good game play.
I understand that I won’t win the server. I’d never presume that, but you are full of it saying that gold use isn’t out of control and YES, excessive gold use is why grepolis is dying!

I remember when i would attack excesive gold use like a long time ago i would get all those Mass Golding alliances and players message me and attack me on the boards: No its not gold your just not good.

But you know what on Pylos without Just for Laugs and Fiasco United im ranked high so is my Alliance,im having 100 times more fun then i did on a world with those alliances playing and everyone else is,its uncertain you dont know who will win and everyone has a chance at winning the world its up to Skill to Strategy not up to Gold!

So whoever says Mass gold doesnt mean anything if your skilled you can win is just lying :/ i have played on Countless worlds with many golding Alliances and they always won the worlds even though there were many more skilled then them.


You can have your own altered reality if that's what makes you happy. However, the true reality is that very few players "abuse" gold each server, and many non/light golders end up in top 10 fighters.

I'm pleased to inform you that in O44 where the biggest alliance in en139 is located has a gold exchange cap at 70k ress atm. If you think that is excessive gold use, then you're daft.

In 15 days you are sitting on 20k points and you spawned in the rim. You don't think that's a bigger contributer than other people's "excessive gold abuse"? Some might even say your opinion is worthless


You can have your own altered reality if that's what makes you happy. However, the true reality is that very few players "abuse" gold each server, and many non/light golders end up in top 10 fighters.

I'm pleased to inform you that in O44 where the biggest alliance in en139 is located has a gold exchange cap at 70k ress atm. If you think that is excessive gold use, then you're daft.

In 15 days you are sitting on 20k points and you spawned in the rim. You don't think that's a bigger contributer than other people's "excessive gold abuse"? Some might even say your opinion is worthless
You Sir, are literally full of bull pocky. It actually your opinion which doesn’t matter, since you joined the biggest alliance and you will be mooching gold for rss off the big spenders.
I haven’t said a thing about my own game other than that I would never presume to beat the gold gods of grepo who win every server.
What I have said is that I have played for many years and have used gold in the past. I even bought 3k here but have used about 500 gold so far with my 6 cities.
My opinion is perfectly valid. I’ve been in alliances that controlled 4 oceans, even led them. However, my observations of the need for a gold cap are fair enough. You say I’m not skilled. That’s an extremely weak dismissal since your hot headed bravado would only be proven by spending a ton of gold to cross the ocean and come beat me down with your rich buddy’s wallet…. and if you do that, over a discussion about gold use on the external forum, you will have proven my point…
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another server, another thread complaining about gold

the fact that you can literally get it for FREE and people still complain about it is dumbfounding

And again I will bring up the point that inno games (the company that soley exists to turn a profit), will never limit gold usage or buying because then they would be an unsuccessful company that made no money. Then they would shut down and you wouldn't have a nice little game to complain about! oh no!


What they could do, is to test 1-2 worlds with an entry fee. 5-10-20€/$ to get in, no in-game gold and all advisors unlocked or you can pick 3 or something. I don't mind gold use, but getting units out and buildings done with gold is kinda ****.

But overall I agree, getting gold is easy, atleast to get the minimum up all the time: Admin and Captain (the rest can be skipped)